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* acting as a US Soldier serving in Iraq

I am sure you heard the story. A man posing as a U. S. soldier serving in Iraq. I was told that this soldier did not have a valid APO address so i was to send my care package to a PA service agency rep. who would in turn get the package to my soldier. It sounded kinda weird that a man who said he was E8 Master Sergeant Raymond Ryan Schiller did not have a valid APO and of course he had an answer that sounded legit. I advanced with a bit of caution and even checked the web to see if a Personal Assistant Service Agency existed. I found a site that affirmed that they help with soldiers care packages without a valid APO. Once the package was sent I was contacted by the PA and told he needed money to stay at a hotel till the package arrived. I was very fortunate that all I have lost is the contents of the care package. I knew better than to send any money. Especially to Ghana.

In any case my heart hurts more for the soldier who belongs to the many pictures. My goodness this man is serving our country and putting his life on the line for us Americans at home. Next I will list the details I was told so you can help others.
E8 Master Sgt. Raymond Ryan Schiller (enclosed a pic of him with name on uniform)
part of special forces SNIPER TEAM
born June 10, 1960 Houston, TX joined Army at age 19 basic training at Fort Sam currently in camp Taji, Iraq.
Mother died when he was 19, married for 24 years but wife died in car crash 7 years ago.
Ray said he was going to retire end of June early july.
Match.com where he approached me user name Seekn4soulmate. Email address [email protected] yahoo messenger Raymond Shiller.
PA name Mr. Brown email [email protected] Package sent to :
Kingsley Kattah
Ring Road Industrial Area
P.O. Box 591-Accra Ghana
telephone 0543555155
60 Mango Street Ave

Please all I want is for this soldier to be found and told his Images and name has been used for FRAUD. I have many pictures and could forward them.



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20 responses to “acting as a US Soldier serving in Iraq”

  1. Linda says:

    Hi Wendy, Can you tell me more about this guy. I am in contact with a Raymond Schiller right now from Match.com. Could be the same guy. Do you have photos?

  2. Nancy Bottoms says:

    Hi Wendy and Linda,
    I am in contact with the same person from Match.com currently. I was told the same story but that he was in Iraq. I do have pics and would like to share them with you both.


  3. Wendy says:

    Thanks Linda and Nancy. I would love to share stories and pictures. I have also been in contact with another woman named susan from match.com also who has been talking with this guy.
    Email me at [email protected]

  4. Carmen says:

    Hi I met him too same story he just asked for money to be sent under a different name! Thank god I didn’t! Question once you gays dicoved his scam did he bother you again? Im contacting match as we speak!

  5. Anna says:

    Yep my friend had been talking to this guy as well. He said his wife was 7 months pregnant when she died in a cae accident. Plus he also ask for small amounts of money and has many diffrent accounts on match.com with diffrent pic. Be careful when he ask my friend for money she in return said wow I was going to ask you to send me money LOL LOL. Be careful and ask match.com for your money back this person has a lot of diffrent accounts then he will tell you his earsing his account cause your the one he wants. Good luck ladies. If anyone ever ask you for money andnyou have never met please don’t do it…,.,


  6. Wendy says:

    Thanks ladies for posting your concerns. Once he knows you wont send money he will leave you alone. I got the same story about his wife. They had trouble having kids because she had trouble with her womb. Then when talking about her accident she was 6mths pregnant when she died. Aslo same story about why he is no longer on match because he found you his new love, he gona marry you. lol

  7. annie says:

    Ladies he has a lot of accounts open with diffrent men pics. Be careful. Then he will e mail you as someone else another guy and ask you questions about who your dating. We need to let match know cause now we don’t. Know who is real and who are the scamers. I’m thinking these samers have over 100 profiles open if not more.

  8. Michelle says:

    Got the same stories… This guy is also going under the name of Ryan Carter email [email protected]. I sent a care package but recalled it before it left the states… I have pics, if anyone wants to compare. I will report both to match.com

  9. Ilene says:

    LOL – I met the same guy last night on match.com. It seemed a little too good to be true. We chatted for about 3 hours. Thank God nothing sexual, or I would feel like a huge fool. He told me he had been there 6 years without coming home. But new no Arabic – kind of strange. Also, despite the high salary he listed, he was using a friend’s laptop and jokingly asked if I would send him one. I didn’t respond to that question, nor would I have sent him anything ever.
    I also have photos of whoever this guy is. The photos are of a really cute, bald guy with such a sweet face and smile – such a shame that it’s all a fraud.
    I’m going to report him to match.com, although from what you all are saying on theses posts, he’s getting away with the scam.

  10. Ryan says:

    Michelle what is the meaning of what you are saying about me and with my email address on here??? what did i ask and what did you send to me?? or are you going crazy or something.. what is the meaning of what you are doing with my name and my email address woman… you better be careful you are not the kind of woman for me dont you understand and cant you leave me alone??? dont you know those people trying to scam you so you can go for them?? pls let this be the lest time i would find my email on here i want you to delete my name cos i dont know what your talking about ..

  11. Ilene says:

    Update to this: Today I was in contact with “Sgt. Ray Schiller” and I totally got him to say several statements that proved he was a Ghanian con-artist and not Sgt. Schiller. He told me to forgive him because people in Ghanna have been driven to do this because of the horrible economy in that country. He said: “no one ever makes it withouth a sin.” And I swiftly countered with: “it is WRONG to commit a sin against other people.” So at first he was apologetic, and then got insulting, so I quickly blocked him.
    Bad news though, this same night, I was approached by 2 other guys that were clearly con-artists. There are ways you can totally tell that they are not who they say they are, but I won’t list these here, because then we will give them another leg up. This whole thing has made me so very mistrustful and disillusioned.

  12. Peggy says:

    I belive the person all of you are talking about is also going under the name [email protected]. He said he was about to lose his match.com and he wants me to send a package to him overseas in Kuwait through a PA. His parents died when he was 19 and his wife died of bacerial endocarditis so he’s been overseas for the last six years and he is finally getting out of the Army to have a life, hopefully one with me. He said he has no one to send him a package so when I said I would send one, he listed birkenstocks, nike air 1 sneakers, and a g-force watch among other things. He closed his match.com account the day after we met. He said his name is Ryan Napier.

    So sad that people will use a solider to scam. Actually, I believe in California they just passed a law about people using a soilder’s name to scam others. I hope this bast**d gets caught!!!

  13. Tammy says:

    I have also been speaking to a Ryan Napier at [email protected]. I got the same story about his parents and his wife. Unfortunately, I volunteered to send him a package for his birthday. Now he comes back and tells me that he is being sent to Syria and needs money to pay off his commander so he can have an early retirement even though he was supposed to get out in May. Run ladies, RUN. I couldn’t tell if this was a scam until now.

    Thanks for posting! I would like to see your pictures to compare to mine.

  14. Deborah says:

    Can someone please email a picture
    of this guy? I think I may be married to him.

  15. Jane says:

    WOW! I just met a guy the other day on Match.com, E8, Master Sgt, Infantry, his name is Ryan Drew Schiller, [email protected]. We haven’t gotten far enough in our conversations for him to ask me for anything but he says he’s stationed in Kuwait, and his ad listed him as a widower. He’s cute, bald wearing a black peacoat. His profile was everything you wanted to hear but in the last couple of lines, he states “the man I am looking for” probably from something he copied from another ad. He’s sent me cute little ecards the last two days talking about wanting to know everything I do since he’s not with me. His profile just ended too but he was able to catch me on IM and now I have him on my Yahoo IM account. I guess I will have to delete him. Oh well, I’m glad I ran into you ladies so soon. THANK YOU for saving me the disillusion.

  16. Patti says:

    Jane! Oh my god! I have been in touch with an individual who claims to be Master Sgt Ryan Drew Schiller, [email protected]. He has sent me ecards as well. I have been conversing with him for over 2 weeks! I felt uneasy and didn’t know if something was up. He has sent pictures of a handsome bald gentleman wearing a black peacoat and as well as in military garb on base and with other members of the military. He has never asked for money. I am just sick now!! I have several pictures that he has sent me.

    I told him just this past weekend that I felt that he may not be real because of a dream I had……..I haven’t heard from him since. Thank you God for the dream! I hope the loser gets his!

  17. Linda says:

    Well ladies, he is still out there. same picture in peacoat and one of him on patrol so he says. I am divorced after 19 years of marriage and so vulnerable. I wish I would have googled him before . This makes me sad and mad too. I just retired after 25 years in the Navy, so seeing his story touched my heart. What a rat bastard! he also had the same story Here is the thing, I did send him a package for his birthday. just stuff, cookies stuff someone deployed would need, a care package. so didn’t spend too much. He then hit me with nike and g shiock and laptop! also put a little teddy bear in ther. He sent me a pic of him holding it

  18. Ilene says:

    Linda – He sent you a picture of him with the same teddy bear you sent him? Was he the same guy from the photos? How is that possible, if these con-artists are usually black and from Ghana or some other country in Africa?
    I wish more women would do fact checking when communicating with these guys that claim they are soldiers. The first big red flag is that they give you some random address – right? All legit US military personnel have a PO Box that they are assigned. There is no way around that one, and I wish more people knew that, because that is a huge indicator that they are not legit.

  19. Lindamaclean says:

    Ilene, Ladies, email me at [email protected] and I will send you the picture.s he is white, in uniform sitting with a black male he says is his buddy Duke. Looks very military,My ex was a Navy SEAL and he was in all kinds of crazy places, so it was plausable. He does not look the same as the peacoat picture, has whiskers and always has a hat on.

  20. Lindamaclean says:

    Ok ladies, he asked me for 10k last night. I served 25 years in the Navy and we do not have to “buy” our retirement. I called him out and he callled me a bitch liar and other “terms of endearment” LOL, I have reported him to the internet fraud division. There is an Army scam link where you can find support. Please dont ever wire money, our military is taken care of. Best of luck to you all

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