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My husband wanted to buy a True Religion Jeans so he found an online shop with a website address http://www.clothingjeansmall.net
Everything was looking great so I used my credit card and paid 90$ for the jeans on 25th March 2011. The delivery was supposed to take 4-10 days. Unfortunately nothing arrived so I contacted the shop. First I noticed there was no contact address or phone number. Only online form and live chat. I contacted them till today several times through the form and then also through the live chat. First time their excuse was that they will find out later what is the problem, then that these jeans are out of stock, so I was asking them what this suppose to be when they don´t have it but didn´t contact me and let me know. I wanted to cancel the order and return my money back then. They said it´s not a problem. I asked them through the form to send me a confirmation about cancelation and nothing again. Then I was contacting them again through the live chat. This time I saved the screen so I even have a proof of it. Because it started to be suspicious too much I checked my credit card statement and no matter that the shop was supposed to be in Canada and the payment in US Dollars, the transaction was made in CNY and the Company name SH TISS CORP. I checked the domain info and this is what i found:

Name Server ………………… ns7.cdncenter.com
Registrant ID ………………. hc320001773-cn
Registrant Name …………….. gong zhang
Registrant Organization ……… zhang gong
Registrant Address ………….. changchunshinanguanqu33hao
Registrant City …………….. changchunshi
Registrant Province/State ……. Jinlin
Registrant Postal Code ………. 130000
Registrant Country Code ……… CN
Registrant Phone Number ……… +86.04311456987 –
Registrant Fax ……………… +86.04311458986 –
Registrant Email …………….
Administrative ID …………… hc320001773-cn
Administrative Name …………. gong zhang
Administrative Organization ….. zhang gong
Administrative Address ………. changchunshinanguanqu33hao
Administrative City …………. changchunshi
Administrative Province/State … Jinlin
Administrative Postal Code …… 130000
Administrative Country Code ….. CN
Administrative Phone Number ….. +86.04311456987 –
Administrative Fax ………….. +86.04311458986 –
Administrative Email …………
Billing ID …………………. hc320001773-cn
Billing Name ……………….. gong zhang
Billing Organization ………… zhang gong
Billing Address …………….. changchunshinanguanqu33hao
Billing City ……………….. changchunshi
Billing Province/State ………. Jinlin
Billing Postal Code …………. 130000
Billing Country Code ………… CN
Billing Phone Number ………… +86.04311456987 –
Billing Fax ………………… +86.04311458986 –
Billing Email ……………….
Technical ID ……………….. hc320001773-cn
Technical Name ……………… gong zhang
Technical Organization ………. zhang gong
Technical Address …………… changchunshinanguanqu33hao
Technical City ……………… changchunshi
Technical Province/State …….. Jinlin
Technical Postal Code ……….. 130000
Technical Country Code ………. CN
Technical Phone Number ………. +86.04311456987 –
Technical Fax ………………. +86.04311458986 –
Technical Email ……………..
Expiration Date …………….. 2012-11-13 02:31:10

Obviously it´s a SCAM from China and I´m not going to see my money again. I´m from Czech Republic and I can tell you that 90$ is a lot of money to me and for this amoutn I could buy a lot of things to my daughter.
That´s why I want to report this website as a SCAM that no one else will loose their money again.



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  1. mary ann arnold says:

    i was looking for new era baseball hats dont remember site name as it justs said hats clothing etc.. ordered hats. on credit card came up sh tiss corp when it went through i never received merchandise 60$ is a lot to me but it was a gift. now no gift and no money

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