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* brent ivie scam artist

Beware if your investing with Brent Ivie , Gary Tanner or Perpetual Green


Defendant: Lovell Brent Ivie Ivie Electric Service Case Number: 20028000122
Filing Type: Civil Judgment Entity Type: Business Record
Filing Date: 20030106 Amount Liability: $1,763.00
Address: 560 W 9460 S City: Sandy
State: Ut Zip: 84070
Plaintiff: Tami Hanson Warburton Acoustical Court Code: Ut022
Court Name: Salt Lake County, Salt Lake City District Unlawful Detainer: N
Defendant: Ivie, Brent Case Number: 20048902020
Filing Type: Civil Judgment Entity Type: Individual Record
Filing Date: 20040624 Amount Liability: $753.00
Address: 11441 South State A132 City: Draper
State: Ut Zip: 84040
Plaintiff: Utah Yellow Pages Court Code: Ut022
Court Name: Salt Lake County, Salt Lake City District Unlawful Detainer: N
Defendant: Ivie, Brent Case Number: 20030924001
Filing Type: Civil Judgment Entity Type: Individual Record
Filing Date: 20050801 Amount Liability: $32,262.00
Address: 1901 Ryan Park Ave City: Sandy
State: Ut Zip: 84092
Plaintiff: American Expresss Centurion Bank Court Code: Ut022
Court Name: Salt Lake County, Salt Lake City District Unlawful Detainer: N
Defendant: Ivie, Brent Case Number: 20050900298
Filing Type: Civil Judgment Entity Type: Individual Record
Filing Date: 20050328 Amount Liability: $1,093.00
Address: 1901 Ryan Park Ave City: Sandy
State: Ut Zip: 84092
Plaintiff: Blakesley, James R Court Code: Ut022
Court Name: Salt Lake County, Salt Lake City District Unlawful Detainer: N

Defendant: Ivie, Brent Case Number: 20060401031
Filing Type: Civil Judgment Entity Type: Individual Record
Filing Date: 20060216 Amount Liability: $16,554.00
Address: 1901 Ryan Park Ave City: Sandy
State: Ut Zip: 84092
Plaintiff: Jaguar Credit Court Code: Ut022
Court Name: Salt Lake County, Salt Lake City District Unlawful Detainer: N
Defendant: Ivie, Brent Case Number: 20070027268
Filing Type: Federal Tax Lien Entity Type: Individual Record
Filing Date: 20070525 Amount Liability: $114,628.00
Address: 2335 W Sunbrook Dr #15 City: St George
State: Ut Zip: 84770
Plaintiff: Internal Revenue Service Court Code: Utwahc1
Court Name: Washington County Recorder’S Office Action Type: Federal Tax Lien
Defendant: Ivie, Brent Case Number: 20070027268
Filing Type: Federal Tax Lien Entity Type: Individual Record
Filing Date: 20070525 Amount Liability: $114,628.00
Address: 2335 W Sunbrook Dr #15 City: St George
State: Ut Zip: 84770
Plaintiff: Internal Revenue Service Court Code: Utwahc1
Court Name: Washington County Recorder’S Office Action Type: Federal Tax Lien
Defendant: Ivie, Brent Case Number: 2003200301925
Filing Type: Civil Judgment Entity Type: Individual Record
Filing Date: 20030501 Amount Liability: $197.00
Address: 560 W 9460 S City: Sandy
State: Ut Plaintiff: Workforce Ser
Court Code: Ut022 Court Name: Salt Lake County, Salt Lake City District
Unlawful Detainer: N
Defendant: Ivie, Brent Case Number: 20030904792
Filing Type: Civil Judgment Entity Type: Individual Record
Filing Date: 20030410 Amount Liability: $100,550.00
Address: 560 W 9460 S City: Sandy
State: Ut Zip: 84070
Plaintiff: Robinson, Daniel D Court Code: Ut022
Court Name: Salt Lake County, Salt Lake City District Unlawful Detainer: N
Defendant: Ivie, Brent Case Number: 2003200301614
Filing Type: Civil Judgment Entity Type: Individual Record
Filing Date: 20030402 Amount Liability: $197.00
Address: 560 West 9460 South City: Sandy
State: Ut Zip: 84070
Plaintiff: Slc Corp Court Code: Ut022
Court Name: Salt Lake County, Salt Lake City District Unlawful Detainer: N

Defendant: Ivie, Brent Case Number: 20020909399

Filing Type: Civil Judgment Entity Type: Individual Record
Filing Date: 20040915 Amount Liability: $65,000.00
Address: 615 W 9400 S City: Sandy
State: Ut Plaintiff: Nadkarni, Sudhir
Court Code: Ut022 Court Name: Salt Lake County, Salt Lake City District
Unlawful Detainer: N
Defendant: Ivie, Brent Case Number: 20040919133
Filing Type: Civil Judgment Entity Type: Individual Record
Filing Date: 20041021 Amount Liability: $26,653.00
Address: 615 W 9400 S City: Sandy
State: Ut Zip: 84070
Plaintiff: Clear Channel Broadcasting Court Code: Ut022
Court Name: Salt Lake County, Salt Lake City District Unlawful Detainer: N
Defendant: Ivie, Brent Case Number: 20048903944
Filing Type: Civil Judgment Entity Type: Individual Record
Filing Date: 20041021 Amount Liability: $4,765.00
Address: 625 West 9400 South City: Sandy
State: Ut Zip: 84092
Plaintiff: Briantrust Creative Inc Court Code: Ut022
Court Name: Salt Lake County, Salt Lake City District Unlawful Detainer: N

?United States of America v.
Petitioner: United States of America
Respondent: Lovell Brent Ivie
Case Number: 2:2008cv00028
Filed: January 9, 2008
Court: Utah District Court
Office: Central Office [ Court Info ]
County: Salt Lake
Presiding Judge: Judge Ted Stewart
Nature of Suit: Federal Tax Suits -Taxes (US Plaintiff or Defendant)
Cause: 26:7402 IRS: Petition to Enforce IRS Summons
Jurisdiction: U.S. Government Plaintiff

?Name Address Name of Entity Entity Type Position
84092 Agent
84092 Agent
L BRENT IVIE 560 W 9460 S Sandy UT 84070 IES ASSOCIATES, INC. Corporation Registered Agent
L BRENT IVIE 179 EAST 8720 SOUTH Sandy UT 502 PROPERTY, L.C. Limited Liability Registered
84070 Company Agent
L BRENT IVIE 1901 RYAN PARK AVE Sandy UT LBI PROPERTIES, L.C. Limited Liability Registered
84092 Company Agent
LOVELL BRENT IVIE 1901 RYAN PARK AVE Sandy UT IVIE INVESTMENT CO., LTD. Limited Partnership Registered
84092 Agent
LOVELL BRENT IVIE 1901 RYAN PARK AVE Sandy UT 84092 IVIE INVESTMENT CO., LTD. Limited Partnership Partner
BRENT IVIE 8522 S 1300 EAST, STE D-201 RED POINT COMMUNICATIONS, Corporation Director
Sandy UT 84094 INC.
BRENT IVIE 560 W 9406 S Sandy UT 84070 INTEGRATED ELECTRON DBA Registered
84092 SYSTEMS INC Agent
BRENT IVIE 2159 S 700 E STE 100 Salt Lake City UT 84106 LOVELL CAPP SANDY, INC. Corporation Director
BRENT IVIE 2159 S 700 E STE 100 Salt Lake LOVELL CAPP SANDY, INC. Corporation President
City UT 84106
BRENT IVIE 585 W 9400 S #201 Sandy UT KUHRE DEVELOPMENT, LLC Limited Liability Manager
84070 Company
84092 ADVISORS, LLC Company
BRENT IVIE 615 WEST 9400 SOUTH #101 Sandy UT 84070 DESIGNER ELECTRONICS, INC. Corporation Secretary
BRENT IVIE 585 W. 9400 S. #201 Sandy UT RECENT DEVELOPMENT, LLC Limited Liability Manager
84070 Company
BRENT IVIE 560 W 9406 S Sandy UT 84070 IVIE ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS DBA Registered Agent
BRENT IVIE 585 W. 9400 S. #201 SANDY UT IDC HOLDING, LLC Limited Liability Manager
84070 Company
BRENT IVIE 2159 S 700 E STE 100 Salt Lake BLEU SKYE, L.L.C. Limited Liability Manager
City UT 84106 Company
84070 GARDENS Agent
BRENT IVIE 560 W 9460 S Sandy UT 84070 IVIE ELECTRIC SYSTEMS DBA Registered
BRENT IVIE 1901 RYAN PARK AVE Sandy UT 84092 BRENT IVIE ELECTRIC, INC. Corporation President
BRENT IVIE 1901 RYAN PARK AVE Sandy UT 84092 BRENT IVIE ELECTRIC, INC. Corporation Director
84092 ADVISORS, LLC Company
BRENT IVIE unknown address NA 00000 FIBERSMART DBA Applicant
BRENT IVIE 585 W. 9400 S. #201 Sandy UT TUSCAN GARDENS Limited Liability Manager
84070 DEVELOPMENT, LLC Company
BRENT IVIE 179 E MAIN ST Sandy UT 84070 XANTRON CORPORATION Corporation Director


United States of America v.
Petitioner: United States of America
Respondent: Lovell Brent Ivie
Case Number: 2:2008cv00028
Filed: January 9, 2008
Court: Utah District Court
Office: Central Office [ Court Info ]
County: Salt Lake
Presiding Judge: Judge Ted Stewart
Nature of Suit: Federal Tax Suits -Taxes (US Plaintiff or Defendant)
Cause: 26:7402 IRS: Petition to Enforce IRS Summons
Jurisdiction: U.S. Government Plaintiff


Court of Appeals of Utah.
HARRIS v. IES ASSOCIATES INC John J. HARRIS, M.D., Appellee, v. IES ASSOCIATES Brent Ivie, INC., Appellant.
20010563-CA. No.
— April 17, 2003


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27 responses to “brent ivie scam artist”

  1. jh says:

    To all who will listen. Brent Ivie and Gary Tanner are crooked liars who have stolen money from a lot of people, me being one of them. And the sad part is they actully could have ran an honest business. Doug Stewart the first CEO of Pepetual Green is as guilty as Brent and Gary. I did business with PG for a year they promised energy savings with there power factor correction devices. I will say that I sold systems that did save on power. With that said the majority of there systems did not perform as was promised in there contract.
    I purchased three commercial units from Gary Tanner. He put in the contract that a minimum of ten percent savings on KWh. This did not happen. From his own mouth he said there was no savings. When I asked for the money back he acted as if the contract was talking about residental units. It was a joke as was he!!!

  2. Nate says:

    To all who will listen. Brent Ivie and Gary Tanner are crooked liars who have stolen money from a lot of people, me being one of them. And the sad part is they actully could have ran an honest business. Doug Stewart the first CEO of Pepetual Green is as guilty as Brent and Gary. I did business with PG for a year they promised energy savings with there power factor correction devices. I will say that I sold systems that did save on power. With that said the majority of there systems did not perform as was promised in there contract.

    I purchased three commercial units from Gary Tanner. He put in the contract that a minimum of ten percent savings on KWh. This did not happen. From his own mouth he said there was no savings. When I asked for the money back he acted as if the contract was talking about residental units. It was a joke as was he!!! I will say I believe they tried to start and honest business. But when they started finding out flaws that were over there head they panicked and took the money and ran!!!! Way to go boys all the while invoking the name of the LDS church. Always good to know there are honest Mormons out there.

  3. nate says:

       Brent Ivie Scam Artist, 2011-04-18
    To all who will listen. Brent Ivie and Gary Tanner are crooked liars who have stolen money from a lot of people, me being one of them. And the sad part is they actully could have ran an honest business. Doug Stewart the first CEO of Pepetual Green is as guilty as Brent and Gary. I did business with PG for a year they promised energy savings with there power factor correction devices. I will say that I sold systems that did save on power. With that said the majority of there systems did not perform as was promised in there contract.

    I purchased three commercial units from Gary Tanner. He put in the contract that a minimum of ten percent savings on KWh. This did not happen. From his own mouth he said there was no savings. When I asked for the money back he acted as if the contract was talking about residental units. It was a joke as was he!!! I will say I believe they tried to start and honest business. But when they started finding out flaws that were over there head they panicked and took the money and ran!!!! Way to go boys all the while invoking the name of the LDS church. Always good to know there are honest Mormons out there.

  4. nate says:

       Brent Ivie Scam Artist, 2011-04-18
    To all who will listen. Brent Ivie and Gary Tanner are crooked liars who have stolen money from a lot of people, me being one of them. And the sad part is they actully could have ran an honest business. Doug Stewart the first CEO of Pepetual Green is as guilty as Brent and Gary. I did business with PG for a year they promised energy savings with there power factor correction devices. I will say that I sold systems that did save on power. With that said the majority of there systems did not perform as was promised in there contract.

    I purchased three commercial units from Gary Tanner. He put in the contract that a minimum of ten percent savings on KWh. This did not happen. From his own mouth he said there was no savings. When I asked for the money back he acted as if the contract was talking about residental units. It was a joke as was he!!! I will say I believe they tried to start and honest business. But when they started finding out flaws that were over there head they panicked and took the money and ran!!!! Way to go boys all the while invoking the name of the LDS church. Always good to know there are honest Mormons out there. Brent Ivie will steal all you money watch for this scam.

  5. nate says:

    To all who will listen. Brent Ivie and Gary Tanner are crooked liars who have stolen money from a lot of people, me being one of them. And the sad part is they actully could have ran an honest business. Doug Stewart the first CEO of Pepetual Green is as guilty as Brent and Gary. I did business with PG for a year they promised energy savings with there power factor correction devices. I will say that I sold systems that did save on power. With that said the majority of there systems did not perform as was promised in there contract.

    I purchased three commercial units from Gary Tanner. He put in the contract that a minimum of ten percent savings on KWh. This did not happen. From his own mouth he said there was no savings. When I asked for the money back he acted as if the contract was talking about residental units. It was a joke as was he!!! I will say I believe they tried to start and honest business. But when they started finding out flaws that were over there head they panicked and took the money and ran!!!! Way to go boys all the while invoking the name of the LDS church. Always good to know there are honest Mormons out there. Brent Ivie Scam Artist of the year 2011.

  6. BewareScam says:

    Brent Ivie makes a mockery out of energy efficiency and gives the word “green” a bad rap. As a PG employee, I got to know Brent on a personal level. I can honestly say that he lacks integrity, is dishonest and despicable, to say the least. I would strongly discourage any business or individual from dealing with this man. I would warn anyone who is considering:

    1. Investing Money
    2. Working for him as an employee
    3. Associating with him personally or professionally
    4. Providing goods or services

    RUN THE OTHER WAY! Brent is bad news.

    He is marketing a system that does not save energy. Brent Ivie, Doug Stewart and Gary Tanner have compiled impressive paperwork, manuals and so-called studies to suggest otherwise but it’s all a façade. Brent is very good at show and tell. He suggests that his intention is to provide small businesses huge opportunities and to increase the availability of jobs to Utahans. Do not fall for it! Instead, he steals from small businesses and typically does not pay his employees. He offers stock opportunities to them that don’t exist. Look out! Brent Ivie is a smooth talker as he has been scamming for years. He does this professionally. His true intentions are to raise money so that he can pay himself a hefty salary. When this scam collapses, he will start another one. If you decide to ignore my warning and choose to “invest” in this man anyway, don’t say I didn’t warn you. He is a persistent headache, a disease, cancer. You would be better off donating your hard earned money to a worthy cause, like cancer research or the children’s hospital. You’ll definitely get a higher return on a legitimate investment like that.

  7. pam says:

    I Worked with Brent Ivie for two years helping to put together his power factor boxes we used cheap capacitors that are not designed for power factor. They would come back with burn marks like the capacitors got overloaded, this product is very dangerous and will cause a fire. The product has no safety rating by UL he claims some of the parts are UL listed but not approved for the application. The box dose not save you any money just ask for any proof. I tried the box in my house and my bill went up because the capacitors were causing power loss. Also the capacitors in my box are made for motors not power factor, home to nor get charged for this loss modern do not need to worry about this just call any power company and they will tell you tis is s big wast of money. Brent also did not pay me 1200 for my last month I have heard he scams investorus, family and anyone who will fall for his bullshit beware of Brent Ivie, Even Green Technology, Perpetual Green, Green Equity or any
    other energy scams keep your money.

  8. gary tienga says:

    gary tienga, 2011-04-20Total scamartists! steal lie and cheat…then go to church on sunday. Doug is the worse left a rack of bills and unpaid employees one day before christmas. This group has taken thousands from misled people.

  9. Eric Johnson says:

    Brent Ivie has a long history of scamming people, don’t fall for the fake magic energy savings box. I have PG box and it is just cheap capacitors maybe worth 10 bucks in parts also I called my power company and they told me that the box could start a fire if there was a surge. If you want to waste your money on junk at least ask for energy savings. Just being aware of your power usage will enable anyone to save money. A magic box won’t save you any money just filling the pockets of scanners like Brent Ivie and Doug Stuart. Beware!!!

  10. Sad news. This company has left a trail of bodies on the road. Do not get sucked in. its like a MLM but worse. Lots of lies but never any money. Broken promises. just because you promote something green does not make being a scammer ok. Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been lost on this company – it doesn’t work.  My brother had a system and it did nothing. Good thing it was free. I feel sorry for whoever put money in.

  11. Jacqueline Zielenski says:

    PerpetualGreen Moves to Halt an Anonymous Internet Smear Campaign
    by Brent Ivie, Founder & CEO, PerpetualGreen
    For Immediate Release
    May 2, 2011
    Draper, UT, May 2, 2011 − Recent anonymous defamatory comments posted concerning PerpetualGreen on “scam” sites have damaged the reputation of PerpetualGreen and our Authorized Green Enterprise dealer network. Increasingly, our personal and business reputations are at the mercy of search engines, blogs and social networks. Google is no longer just a search engine; it’s a reputation engine that is beyond control. Credibility could be destroyed in an instant when someone Googles your name and finds the ranting of a disgruntled former employee or vendor.
    I sincerely apologize to anyone that has been offended or upset by actions taken by myself or PerpetualGreen. I have a deep passion to create a cleaner environment and helping individuals and businesses save energy and money. I’ve been tireless and focused in my efforts which sometimes ruffle feathers. I’m willing to take appropriate risks, make mistakes and even fail. Our company tag line is “It’s the right thing to do” and we strive to be the best we can be.
    We hold as our core tenants: Serve the Greater Good, Passion, Integrity, Giving Back, Innovation, Education, Teamwork, Sustainability, and Community. These core beliefs are part of PerpetualGreen’s DNA. As such, it is our hope that we can unite people to conserve energy, reduce energy consumption and perpetually clean up the environment, so we can leave the planet a better place for our children, our children’s children, and their children. We are looking forward to a brighter clean energy future and giving back for the greater good and we invite you to join us.
    Reputations are terrifically important in the green business world and in our personal world as well. Unfortunately, the anonymity offered by the cyber world inspires many to play out the darker sides of their nature, taking facts out of context and posting them in ways that are misleading. By linking clear lies to a little sliver of truth, people often create whatever “facts” are needed to fabricate a smear. They don’t have to prove it – they just have to put it out there. But as the late Daniel Patrick Moynihan once stated, “Everyone is entitled to his own opinions, but not his own facts”.1
    I have decided to publicly address the smear campaign against PerpetualGreen. A single forum thread can deliver a crushing blow to a company or individual. Perceptions can solidify within a day or even an hour. I am confident that those who have the desire and patience to learn the truth will find it in objective documents and evidence, not in the distortions of the truth found on defamatory posts on potentially unscrupulous sites.
    Founded in 2008, PerpetualGreen, LLC manufactures custom EnergySave™ Systems, which combined with the EnergyTrack™ Monitor and EnergyTune™ Tools have been proven to reduce electrical costs in homes and businesses. Our renewable and energy efficient technologies make being “green” easy and surprisingly affordable. Our inventions are based on proven electrical technology that we combine with energy management. We are committed to using American-made parts and local suppliers and incorporate sustainable energy- and money-saving technologies into our products and services.

    Responding to the Postings –
    Post: April 4, 2011, an anonymous and illegal posting of a background check for Brent Ivie appeared on several “scam” sites.
    Fact: Brent Ivie owned and operated electrical and electronic contracting businesses in Utah for almost 30 years before a trifecta of economic slowdown due to the events of September 11, 2001, the end of Olympic construction projects, and an estimator’s blunder that resulted in multiple million dollars in construction losses all led to closing down these businesses. Rather than take out bankruptcy, Brent Ivie liquidated millions of dollars in real estate holdings to pay off the majority of the debt incurred, but individual judgments and liens were incurred when a leased automobile was returned to the bank, future yellow page contracts were cancelled, taxes were owed, and credit cards were canceled. The background report incorrectly included information for several individuals with similar names: Brent L. Ivie, G. Brent Ivie, and Brent H. Ivie.
    Fact: PerpetualGreen contracted with an independent firm in 2010 to distribute a line of its products. Nate Hales was one of the investors in this firm, which was dissolved later that year as the partners parted ways. Nate Hales has never invested (or lost) money in PerpetualGreen and PerpetualGreen has never stolen money from him. Gary Tanner and Brent Ivie have not stolen money from “a lot of people” as alleged.
    Fact: Brent Ivie is a law-abiding citizen, family man, and businessman that has not been accused or convicted of any crimes. No members of his family have invested in PerpetualGreen. People, besides his mother, genuinely like and respect him. Brent Ivie is a church-going individual.
    Fact: PerpetualGreen has documented impressive energy savings, averaging 24% for the residential market using utility company meters to record the power savings. The actual records of energy savings are available for review upon request.
    Fact: Founded in 2008, Perpetual Holdings, LLC, the holding company for PerpetualGreen, LLC and Green Equity, LLC has raised approximately $350,000 in working capital from five private investors. This capital has been invested in inventory, engineering, patents and trademarks, research and development, and extensive testing and certification of PerpetualGreen’s ground-breaking line of energy-saving products and services. Gary Tanner and Doug Stuart have not been involved nor held a management position since the end of 2009. PerpetualGreen’s products are manufactured in the United States to high quality standards in an ISO 9000 factory, in Utah.
    Fact: Voluntary markets for renewable energy in which consumers purchase renewable energy certificates (RECs) have existed for more than a decade. (See the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Publication “Voluntary Green Power Market Forecast through 2015” by L. Bird, E. Holt, J. Sumner and C. Kreycik.) PerpetualGreen is a Limited Liability Corporation and is privately held therefore it does not have or sell stock.
    “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.” – quoted in Robert Sobel’s review of Past Imperfect: History According to the Movies, edited by Mark C. Carnes.

  12. Nate says:

    The fact is Perpetual Green has a product that dose not work, and will not save money on ******. The claims of 25% savings is fraud as defined by the FTC , does the box also cure cancer. If the product worked why is there no proof of anyone ever saving money. Putting capacitors in a box dose not save money. this is a old trick making people think that they save money by adding capacitors to the power panel. The fact is Perpetual Green is stealing money from people and investors by lies. Perpetual Green has been reported to the SEC for ****** credit fraud and also been reported to the the Federal trade Commission for fraud. If anyone is working with Brent Ivie they also will be liable for fraud, enjoy your freedom while it last.

  13. Nate says:

    Sad news. This company has left a trail of bodies on the road. Do not get sucked in. its like a MLM but worse. Lots of lies but never any money. Broken promises. just because you promote something green does not make being a scammer ok. Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been lost on this company – it doesn’t work. My brother had a system and it did nothing. Good thing it was free. I feel sorry for whoever put money in.

  14. Nate says:

    To all who will listen. Brent Ivie and Gary Tanner are crooked liars who have stolen money from a lot of people, me being one of them. And the sad part is they actully could have ran an honest business. Doug Stewart the first CEO of Pepetual Green is as guilty as Brent and Gary. I did business with PG for a year they promised energy savings with there power factor correction devices. I will say that I sold systems that did save on power. With that said the majority of there systems did not perform as was promised in there contract.
    I purchased three commercial units from Gary Tanner. He put in the contract that a minimum of ten percent savings on KWh. This did not happen. From his own mouth he said there was no savings. When I asked for the money back he acted as if the contract was talking about residental units. It was a joke as was he!!! I will say I believe they tried to start and honest business. But when they started finding out flaws that were over there head they panicked and took the money and ran!!!! Way to go boys all the while invoking the name of the LDS church. Always good to know there are honest Mormons out there. Brent Ivie Scam Artist of the year 2011.

  15. Jennifer says:

    The Perpetual Green energy system is fraudulent. It doesn’t save energy at all. There’s no proof, just fake charts that anyone with a computer can create. Do not buy one of these. I did and regret it! What a waste of money! I wish I had done more research on Brent Ivie before I purchased one of these pieces of garbage.

  16. Chad Boutin says:

    NIST Team Demystifies Utility of Power Factor Correction Devices
    For Immediate Release: December 15, 2009
    Contact: Chad Boutin

    If you’ve seen a Perpetual Greeen Internet ad for capacitor-type power factor correction device, you might be led to believe that using one can save you money on your residential electricity bill.
    However, a team including specialists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have recently explained* why the devices actually provide no savings by discussing the underlying physics.
    The devices—sometimes referred to as Amp Reduction Units or KVARs**—are touted as good investments because they reduce the amount of current drawn from power lines while simultaneously providing the necessary amount of current to appliances inside the house. Though engineers elsewhere have discredited the devices for use in typical residences already, NIST physicist Martin Misakian and two of his colleagues decided to write a brief primer describing the devices’ inner workings for readers who are not power engineers, but who still have some technical background.
    “One of the important functions of our primer is to remove the mystery of how current from the power line can decrease while at the same time current going to an appliance remains the same,” says Misakian. The nine-page Technical Note explains this result in terms that might interest readers with knowledge of college-level physical sciences. It shows that although the devices can indeed reduce current flow from the power line, it is not just the current flowing from the power line that determines your electric bill, but the product of the power factor and the current. Though current decreases with a power factor correction device, the power factor increases correspondingly, meaning the product of the two remains the same—with or without the device. Because a residential electric bill is proportional to this product, the cost remains unchanged.
    Power factor correction devices have some use, though. The authors point out that while they will not reduce the average homeowner’s bill, they may benefit the environment. When electricity travels from a local transformer to a residence, some power is lost due to electrical resistance. But because a utility would need to supply less current to a residence that employs a power factor correction device, these losses would decrease—thus potentially reducing the amount of greenhouse gases a fossil fuel-burning utility would emit. But while the primer does provide a rough calculation of a utility’s savings by considering the operation of a residential air conditioner, Misakian says readers must investigate the details of these options for themselves.
    “If homeowners wanted to help reduce the amount of carbon dioxide produced, they could install a device,” Misakian says, “but they would also have to consider the greenhouse gases generated during the fabrication of the device itself.”
    * M. Misakian, T.L. Nelson and W.E. Feero. Regarding Electric Energy Savings, Power Factors, and Carbon Footprints: A Primer. NIST Technical Note 1654, online at http://www.nist.gov/customcf/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=903669.
    ** From “kilovolt ampere reactive,” a unit used to measure reactive power.
    1) Power factor correction devices have no effect on a typical household electric bill because of the relationship activating the device reduces the current drawn from a power line but simultaneously increases the power factor. Electric bills are based on the product of the two, which remains the same.(2) Power factor correction in operation. Current from the power line is reduced by introducing a charge, QC, on a capacitor (C), and creating an oscillating charge or current, IL, between the capacitor and the inductive load, such as a refrigerator.
    We have also examined the Perpetual Green box and this device dose not even use power factor rated capacitors, this could be very dangerous system. Also they claim having a power meter will save you money but you already have a free meter on your house from the power company. We have determined that Brent Ivies company is selling a system the will not help anyone save money, this is a scam.
    Credit: Misakian, NIST

  17. Chad Boutin says:

    I also encourage everyone to report these scams using the FTC so that they can track them. Unless many people complain, nothing will be done to crack down on types of scams. A good way to approach it is to quote the DOE/ENERGYSTAR site “We have not seen any data that proves these types of products for residential use accomplish what they claim. Power factor correction devices improve power quality but do not generally improve energy efficiency (meaning they won’t reduce your energy bill).” and then point out that these people are claiming 25-30% savings for residential (not commercial) customers. Reviewers at the FTC will probably take the Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Energy as a trusted source even if they don’t understand the technology. The gulf between the governmental source “they won’t reduce your energy bill” and the scammer’s “Save 30% on your electric bill” will be a clear indication of fraud worthy of investigation.

    Additionally, anytime you see one of these products claiming to be ENERGYSTAR qualified or displaying the logo, please consider this: “ENERGY STAR does not qualify any Power Factor Correction Devices. Please send us an email at [email protected] if you see one that claims to be ENERGY STAR certified. “

  18. Erick R. says:

    I know of at least 10 people who have lost money with Perpetual Green. DO NOT INVEST any money with anyone from this company. It’s a 100% Scam. Call and talk to Rocky Mountain Power or Utah Clean Energy. I worked with this company as a dealer and they are not honest. Ask for patents and outsider testing. Report these bastards to the FTC if you have been taken.

  19. Erick R. says:

    Perpetual Green’s patented funding scam methodology is a lie and a scam
    Brent Ivie lies about having patented funding methodology. US Patent Office has no record of a patent for this Green Equity Claim. The FTC dose not allow companies to make claims of having issued patents for promoting products. Beware if you are an investor since there is no Intellectual Property ownership of any kind. Do not fall for the lies of patent ownership and 50% savings on you energy bill if this was true Brent Ivie solved the energy crisis all by himself.

    If you are a early investor or customer please file a report with the http://WWW.FTC.GOV and your local FBI office to stop the Perpetual scams.

  20. erick says:

    Perpetual Green magic boxes do not work. It you want an “owl” energy montinor buy one on the internet for 100 bucks. The magic box does nothing. The PG people are delusional snake oil salesmen. I encourage anyone who has been scammed for any amount of money to contact the FTC or Utah Attorney General. I read the letter on the website. This is not a few disgruntled employees- there are dozens of people who have been burned by this company.

  21. billy horton says:

    i was thinking about this company when i found the site. are they still in business? i stopped by their address and it looked empty and dark. neighbors would not talk. i saw a notice on the door for a sales tax lien. anyone know?

  22. NateH says:

    Brent Ivie has told a few people he is in a Ponzi scheme with his company Perpetual Green. He asked us to help him out but h.e has gone to far. The investment money he has taken was used to pay profits on other current investors and new ones. I don’t think he knew what he was doing it just kinda happened. If Brent Ivie or Perpetual green owes anyone money to you then better lawyer up if you know anything about this investment. If you can get you money back now before the FEDS get it.

  23. N says:

    Perpetual Green magic boxes do not work. It you want an “owl” energy montinor buy one on the internet for 100 bucks. The magic box does nothing. The PG people are delusional snake oil salesmen. I encourage anyone who has been scammed for any amount of money to contact the FTC or Utah Attorney General. I read the letter on the website. This is not a few disgruntled employees- there are dozens of people who have been burned by this company.

  24. nate says:

    Brent Ivie has a new scam company using the same fake product under dragonfly solutions, investors and schools beware.

  25. The newest SCAM by Brent is called http://www.dragonflysolutions.org. He has rebranded perpetual green is claiming to be a cleantech company. Jackie is his new sidekick on this SCAM. Scary how many people Brent Ivie has frauded and sadly will continue to fraud. Do NOT give any $ to this company! Don’t do business with Douglas Stuart of Sandy UT either. Crooks, liars, and some of the worse businessmen I have ever known.

  26. Barbra says:

    The newest SCAM by Brent is called http://www.dragonflysolutions.co He has rebranded perpetual green is claiming to be a cleantech company. Jackie is his new sidekick on this SCAM. Scary how many people Brent Ivie has frauded and sadly will continue to fraud. Do NOT give any $ to this company! Don’t do business with Douglas Stuart of Sandy UT either. Crooks, liars, and some of the worse businessmen I have ever known.

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