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Dear Mr Mueller; I have been getting email; some from your department claiming to be with you,, need to be checked out, if you can check all my mail contacts see if they are real or fake, if you can trace them to find them to arrest them go for it, if not delate the fake keep the real one, when it you out in BB214BS that way i know, and if you could check on one miss Simbi williams, see if she is real or a fake, i;ve been sending her money, to a azeez jamiu, see if she is ok , i would like to go to west africa if she is real. fast asap, here is my pwrd ( midwayisland)thank you for your time joseph mitchell


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One response to “SCAMS TO BE CHECKED.”

  1. Hello Joseph Mitchell, am sorry to hear that have fallen for these scams. I guess, the first case was the multi-scammer named “FBI-Agent Robert Mueller”. Any information that you give him will be used to defraud you another time. You may better change your email address now. And your passwords. For the other case with “Mrs. Simbi williams”, let me tell you please: an old rule says that, if your email- or chatpartner asks you for money then you are talking with a scammer. This is as sure as the “Amen” in your church. Don’t let yourself be fooled so easily, better forget it. The last point: Better do not risk to visit your westafrican “girl”. Some smart people did it, and some of them now rott in the westafrican forests. You should avoid it, it is not very funny.A better solution is if you check the next emails that you receive on our website above, before you are a victim. Have a save time, Yvonna

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