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* Readers digest letters a scam

I received a letter with readers digest with a check for 4886.36 gave me a name and number to call he said to deposit it asap and when it cleared call him back. This check was to pay the taxes on the 500,000.00 that I had won. With doubt I looked ip readers digests number online and called them and they told me it was a scam. I hate scammers they make me mad like everyone else I could use the money been of work with a back injury. Please calle if u want anymore info. Thx Rita. 740-517-4428


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2 responses to “Readers digest letters a scam”

  1. Angie says:

    I received a similar letter from Reader’s Digest years ago. I guess the scam has been going on for years and still ‘growing strong’. 🙂

    Today I just read from The Star about a victim being lured into paying RM7500 for subscription in order to win a competition. Last time they only asked for a year subscription, guess their appetite grew bigger over the years.

    I’m really disappointed at how Reader’s Digest do business and the way they use to ‘attract’ customers. That’s why I never even bought one issue of RD and swear not to in future as well.

  2. Arthur Catullo says:

    Just wanted everyone to know that I, too, received a letter allegedly from Readers
    Digest, through an intermediary agency (United Services Life Insurance Company) with an accompanying check for $3742.11. Was told to contact a Mr. Milton Parker at 1-888-599-9987; the address utilized was from Bellevue, Washington. Being leary from the start I searched a couple of scam sites and found out that this was just another one designed to scam me for money and personal info. Do NOT call the individual nor deposit the check. It’s a fraud and it’s a shame the federal authorities aren’t doing too much to put these mail fraudsters out of business and into jail. The folks at Readers Digest are just as upset; don’t blame them — blame the crooks who try and take people’s money on the promise of giving you $500,000.00 in my case!!!

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