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* Metropol ltd

I sent a concernment(load) through metropol logistics last month the 16th Feb, 2011 to Lagos, Nigeria. Since then my concernment is yet to be found, I have spoken to the manager Martin who is not helping out matters at all, and when he was out of the office I spoke to Joe who is one of the employees there. Joe seems to be giving me another information other than the one Martin the manager gave. From there I discovered they where playing smart. I was also given the contact of their office in Lagos, Nigeria, but if I call them up, several people ougth to be acting as their boss. So the same attitude been portrayed in the Uk office is been practiced in Nigeria office. Now I don’t know who to believe again. The Uk office said they have sent my load since the 17th of Feb, 2011, and the Nigeria office denied receiving it.

Later on, it was said to have been delivered wrongly to someones house. At the moment they say they can’t find it. I think my load as been tampered with all the unclear information that was given from the very start. Here is their contact details below:

Metropol Limited

Unit D2 Dolphine Estate

Windmill Road

Sunbury on Thames


Tel: 01932 754673-8

Fax: 01932 754683 & 754684

Email: [email protected]

I will be glad if you can do justice to the case on ground. I will be expecting to hear from you asap. Thanks.


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One response to “Metropol ltd”

  1. Frank Leon says:

    Don’t trust this guy. I read something he wrote about how much his mother dislikes him and how she has not respect for him. I see why. Brent is a scammer. I don’t want to invest my money in anything he’s involved in. He can’t be trusted. He even admits that no members of his family have invested in PerpetualGreen. That’s all he had to say to convince me not to invest. I guess he doesn’t feel right about stealing from his own family. Thanks for the heads up Brent.

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