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* Diplomatic Immunity Seal Of Transfer(DIST


(under the auspices of EFCC)
[email protected]
+234 813 434 8502

28th Febuary, 2011


The Diplomatic Immunity Seal Of Transfer(DIST) as being demanded by the FBI is most vital in having your fund authenticated. It will further clear you and your fund of any involvement in any acts of terrorism funding and/or money laundering. In this DIST document, you will find your certificate of ownership, money laundering and anti-terrorist clearance certificate, and diplomatic seal(yellow tag} All of these are contained there in.According to your file the fund are your inheritance fund.

To have this obtained anyway, there is a stipulated amount of money being expected from the fund beneficiary to pay. This is a subsidized rate by the United Nations(UN) and International Monetary Fund(IMF) to make it affordable to any potential fund beneficiary. Therefore, it is your duty to have the fee of US$875.00 paid and have this document obtained in 3-working days. We, therefore; advise that you send the fee of US$875.00 for immediate procurement of this vital document being requested by the FBI authority.

Send the Fee through western union Money transfer using our protocol officer’s fee receiving information as shown below:

AMOUNT: US$875.00

Note that there is no way you will be cleared of this illegality without you presenting this document to the FBI authority. Once the fee is paid, we shall procure the document and send to the FBI for verification and subsequent release of your fund with immediate effect,you have the guarantee of the United States Government. You must, therefore; send this fee as soon as possible.

We shall be waiting for the payment information when this is done within the stipulated time period. Once done, send us the MTCN, sender’s name and address. These will enable us pick the fee here and proceed to the document procurement unit and have it obtained in your favour .Call me for more information: +234 8134348502

Mr. Kenneth Wilson


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3 responses to “Diplomatic Immunity Seal Of Transfer(DIST”

  1. I as a resident and struggleing to exist is sure the verious Governments are aware of citizens of worth that is an affiliate to all by organizing these supposed alerts and send evil to get you after all documents are sign and safe for the names used and established are from Leaders of Government organization which means this is a criminal offence and tampering with legal matters protaining to the verious countries I for sure has a lot at stake for instance my school days banking savings was never drawn, my inheritance from 1997 is not yet handed over in full, the bank of America refuse to allow me my own savings under the protection of my inheritance this conclude that the person is not dead which leave me to even more fundings for having the state supply me with false information why? this question is left unanswear this is all for now

  2. Fred Mailho says:

    Dear Sir
    I beg your pardon to ask your pardon, I had allegedly a suitcase that was transfer to me from Georgia to Lisbon – Its DISCS has expired – The Customs probably would ask me and request its renewal – The suitcase is now at Lisbon Airport Customs – Can you help me ? The suitcase in question is not my own property, but it’s a friend of mine’s property – someone who I trust.

  3. Fred Mailho says:

    Dear Sir
    I beg your pardon to ask your pardon, I had allegedly a suitcase that was transfer to me from Georgia to Lisbon – Its DISCS has expired – The Customs probably would ask me and request its renewal – The suitcase is now at Lisbon Airport Customs – Can you help me ? The suitcase in question is not my own property, but it’s a friend of mine’s property – someone who I trust.

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