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Contact #: +60162787347.


I am Mr. Wong Yoke Eng, a legal practitioner. Please be patient and go through the contents of this email very careful which I believe is a message that will be beneficial to the both of us. I am the legal representative to Late Michael Etsemba. Who herein after shall be referred to as my late client. He died in June 2006 as a result of heart condition.

Basically, my motive of writing you is to assist me secure the funds left behind by my client before it is confiscated or declared unserviceable by the bank where this fund valued at US$6.8 Million Dollars(Six Million, Eight hundred Thousand United State Dollars)was deposited. I have a mandate from the bank to present the next of kin to the deceased or the funds will be confiscated and so far, all my efforts to get hold of someone related to this man has proved abortive.

I want you to consider this proposal. If you grant your consent that I present you to the bank as the next-of-kin and beneficiary of my deceased client (since you have the same last name), so that the proceeds of this account can be transferred to you, then we can share the entire proceeds on a mutually agreed-upon percentage.

All legal documentation to back up your claim as my deceased client’s next-of-kin will be provided. All I require is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction through.

This entire process will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law. However, if this business proposition offends your moral values, do accept my apology. Please contact me at your earliest convenient to indicate your interest.

Best Regards,
Barrister Wong Yoke Eng.


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