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Wong Pei You using a fake name called Alice with handphone 016-7203856 and doing online selling Iphone 4 at Mudah.my. She has a Malayan Banking A/c 101209100237 and request people who wants to buy Iphone 4 and bank into her account and disappeared later. Several Police report to her has been made and hope other victim can lodged police report against her. Please allocated her and let police to catch her to avoid more victims suffer her fraud


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6 responses to “WONG PEI YOU – BIG SCAM”

  1. nick says:

    yes i am so stupid falling for her……stupidd…paying 1.6k….

  2. pcs says:

    All victims please file a police report to WONG PEI YOU as this cheating is consider a criminal act and subject for minimum 2 years jail in Malaysia. Don’t miss the oppurtunity to take action against her.

  3. pcs says:

    Nick, please contact me at 012-2503334 or [email protected]
    We need to work together to find WONG PEI YOU.

  4. csp says:

    WONG PEI YOU using Maybank at Skudai Branch A/c 101209100237 AT 18-20, Jalan Perwira 17, Taman Ungku Tun Aminah, 81300 Skudai, Johor. I believe she is live is Skudai, Johor. Police is looking for more information to catch her. WONG PEI YOU, soon will be caught.

  5. csp says:

    WONG PEI YOU are going to dieā€¦.. her latest phone number 0167685041 she already back selling iphone AGAIN!! the price had gone up rm2233 and the account number is the SAME!! please REPORT TO POLICE

  6. csp says:

    WONG PEI YOU Maybank at Skudai Branch A/c 101209100237 AT 18-20, Jalan Perwira 17, Taman Ungku Tun Aminah, 81300 Skudai, Johor. I believe she is live is Skudai, Johor. Police is looking for more information to catch her. WONG PEI YOU, soon will be caught.

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