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* Scott Veerkamp / David Bickell Scam

Please take time to review 3 exhibits (below)…

I had a phone conversation with David Bickell regarding Scott Veerkamp. David told me I should contact Jonathan D. Nicholas at REMAX of Indiana to review my complaint.

I filed several written complaints with REMAX of Indiana and REMAX International. In fact, I stopped at the REMAX regional office on three seperate occaisions to speak with Janie Monroe about my situation.

I told her I wanted to schedule a meeting with Jonathan D. Nicholas to discuss my complaint against Scott Veerkamp. My complaint included documentation of Loan Steering and Predatory Lending with REMAX Central. Nonetheless, Jonathan refused to meet with me and discuss my experience with the “REMAX Central Sting Operation.”

To my knowledge, REMAX did nothing to prevent Scott Veerkamp from preying on the unsuspecting public. Instead, REMAX decided to honor Scott with a “Lifetime Achievement Award” for his effort in misrepresenting the public.

Please note: The following contacts at REMAX did absolutely nothing to protect my interest…

Scott Veerkamp:

Dick Gaylord:

David Bickell:

Pam Aguirre:

Jonathan D. Nicholas

Please review these articles regarding Loan Steering and Predatory Lending…

Loan Steering Lawsuit:

Subprime Loan Steering:

Loan Steering Lawsuit:

REALTORS and Yield Spread Premium:

National Association of Realtors and Predatory Lending:

Center for Responsible Lending:

Center for Responsible Lending:

Senator Jeff Merkley and Yield Spread Premium:

NAR Code of Ethics:


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One response to “Scott Veerkamp / David Bickell Scam”

  1. Jose Ortega says:

    You banter piqued my curiosity.

    You have failed to include a formal complaint to the Indiana’s Attorney General’s office. The last time I checked, the Indiana AG’s office took a very dim view of predatory lending and mortgage fraud.

    This is not the first time; or last time a real estate sales person or broker streed a client to a mortgage company that he/she had hidden interest in.

    It seems strange that sales person is honored by REMAX for outstanding achievements and out of the blue you make assertions of improprieties. It doesn’t make sense.

    I suspect you are not telling us what really happened. I think Scott Veerkamp was able to obtain a mortgage that you should have never qualified for. Something happened and you lost your income. You attempted a loan modification but you couldn’t come up with any cash to reinstate your mortgage. Hence, you lost your home and now you are crying foul.

    You signed off on the mortgage. No one aimed a barrrel of a gun to your head. Son, if anything, you have been hoisted by your own petard. Get a life.

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