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* Judy Acot (Vers-A- Check)

Thanks for the prompt response, we received your application. This is to confirm your appointment.
Also i want you to understand that you will need to get VersaCheck® Gold 2010 software and Business Check paper. You need the VersaCheck® Gold 2010 software and Business Check paper or Versa check paper for this work. We need to know how soon can you purchase this software which can be gotten from Office Max store or Staples around you so that we can proceed? It is a Work From Home Stuff and You Must have your personal computer connected with internet service.
I will email you our company’s associated account information’s that you will use in drafting the checks that will be sent to clients. Our company contacts the issuing bank to approve the checks number and credit it,so everything is secured,safe and legit.It is very easy when you make use of the software .There are free blank checks that comes with the software.
The names and addresses of the clients will be given to you to post each payment .You will make use of the company’s DHL,FEDEX or UPS account in posting this payment. You don’t need to spend any money for posting them,The only thing you need is just the software and the check paper.
You will be paid every 2 weeks $700 or monthly payments $1400 and there is room for extra compensation.Your salary will be sent to you Via western union or moneygram depending on which you prefer.
The part time job schedule is just for few Hours in everyday of the week dependong on how fast the payments can be processed and sent out. So i will be putting you through with the tasks online, you will need to get back with your yahoo messanger IM so you can chat with me and i can guide you with necessary instruction on how to process without any mistake. My yahoo IM [email protected] for more details

Thanks For Your Total Understanding.
Staffing and Recruiting Dept
Regional Manager
A.G.B. Antiques
490, London Road,


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