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* BidFuel.com

This company appears on the internet with offers of jobs that are not scams. Hitting my “fill in info” button, it mistakenly filled in my credit card info also, and before i could erase it, this company charged my credit card $39.99. All without hitting a submit button or even knowing what i was paying for. Never heard from this company again, not even an e-mail confirming that they received my money or what services are available .Of course this company is no longer on line!


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3 responses to “BidFuel.com”

  1. richard carlson says:

    bidfuel / criminals

    …have been billed $39.95 for much to long,thinking it was something else.

    action should be taken against bid fuel

  2. Tracey Lee says:

    Bidfuel.com is indeed still online, and still scamming customers. I have had 4 months of fraudulent charges of $39.95 for no services whatsoever. The company’s phone number has changed several times, and is always busy, anyway. No address was provided on their website. The only way to end this fraud with this company is to close your credit card.

  3. Jack says:

    Well they got me but good. I spent 14 months paying BIDFUEL $39.95 a month on my credit card before my wife who pays the bills asked me who is this company called Bidfuel is.
    Apparently signed up and was not aware that there was a termination date, nor was a CD ever delivered to me. Alas, alas, I got scammed, watch out they don’t get you!!!!!!!

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