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* Translators wanted

These scammers post on the translators websites asking for translators to translate the work which is already copyrighted to the holocaust charity into the language in which one can translate in. They ask for your asking price. Then the scammers will send you out this letter:-
Hello Kristina,

Thank you for your urgent respond to my request. I was in between projects, a little bit of a busy day that is why i have not been able to respond to your email earlier than now. I am a disable private businessman, looking for a translator.I have checked your CV and i am pleased to tell you that i have choose you to work on the project for we are in between a new business that will require us to write out in French. I truly understand your stand, about your manner of work. I attached a sample of the work titled ‘My Doc.’, just want you to have understanding of what we are about to do together.

Private investor Neckonj Inc, i work on short time business still working on strong capital but we all start somewhere.

My address is ..

6 calle de goya
Madrid 28001

Phone: +34696623200

Now i guess you have an idea of the man you about to start work with, attached is a sample. The delivery date is negotiable but must be before December 27, 2010.

The total number of the words are about 13,000 words so to convert from English to Spanish and also to like 3 languages you may know,i believe you know its a bit large work project states the followings..

++ Please state it out, the amount you charge for per word
++ please calculate the total amount, also state out the discount..
++ categorically state your city and country of residence?
++ Can you state out your date of delivery and method in which you will have all done.

I hope we can come to term for success of this project. Thank you

Best regards

Wilson Walter

His business associate is called Steven Yellen. Please if you have been scammed by these men then please report it to the police and appropriate onlin authorities. Im posting it public as well to stop these rats from continuing their acts of fraud and targeting innocennt people into their crime.


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2 responses to “Translators wanted”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Céline Graciet, Céline, zetaalcuadrado, ATRAE, Herminia Herrandiz and others. Herminia Herrandiz said: RT @ntceline: Translators! Beware of emails sent by scammers Stephen Yellen & Wilson Walter (got one yesterday) http://bit.ly/fzH64M #xl8 […]

  2. [email protected] didn’t sound quite right… when he said he’d pay 40% down with a Money Order (even explaining what that is!), from that same address in Spain, my not quite right turned to straight fishy and sure enough his doc was called “MyDoc” (come oooon!) and his investor “NickonJ” was the third entry that came up in Google with : ‘SCAN! Beware!’ So I am off! Thanks to Céline, Herminia, Kristina and others. This Jan 25th and 26th Jan 2011 due March 27th. AVIS !

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