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* will meet anywhere dallas wii scam

This guy is a huge scam artiest he post that he “will meet with you anywhere” for the wii sale, but I ended up driving in circles looking for him at the location that we set. That is not the half of it, after we finally meet up he tried to change the sale that I replied to (false advertising), saying that I could get more games if I were to pay more money, WOW. We came to an agreement that I could purchase the cheapest wii bundle he had on hand, he connected it to his tv in his car (this should have rose a flag with me then), he showed me how it works with his “modifying” I guess. I bought it since I came out so far and my kids really wanted this for Christmas, but now the darn thing just will not do what he said it should do, not anything.

I have tried to contact him back for either a refund or another wii system but he doesn’t answer, I leave voice messages still nothing.I even called him from a friends phone and explained my issue with the thing and he rushed me off sayin he needs to look the problem up online and he will get back with me to help, yea right. Im just angry that I was over charged for a normal working wii and this maybe the only thing i can do about it. He still is posting ads in the dallas area with craigslist so for anyone that does not want to get dupped like i did watch for the tell tell signs of a scam.

This is his new post
Hello I am selling my BRAND NEW Nintendo Wii Bundle!
It comes with an external hard drive that is preloaded with over 5,000+ games!
I have over 100 NEWLY RELEASED Wii Games!
I also have over 5,000+ Nintendo, Super Nintendo, and Nintendo 64 games!

A small sample of games include:
Sonic, Call of Duty Just Dance 1 and 2 Michael Jackson.
Super Mario Bros Wii Donkey Kong, Guitar Hero and Rockband.
Kirby’s Epic yarn Wii Party and many more!

Remember that this bundle is BRAND NEW, NEVER USED.
This is the perfect bundle package for anyone!
It has only been taken out of the box to have games added!

Don’t waste your money buying one single game for $50+ at the store.
When you buy a Nintendo Wii at the store you will pay $225 for a brand new console like mine.
You only get one boring game, and your kids will want all of the new releases I have to offer!
In the long run you will be spending well over a $1000 buying games,
when you can buy this from me and save your money!



* Location: Grand Prairie / Arlington / Irving


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One response to “will meet anywhere dallas wii scam”

  1. NATE says:

       Brent Ivie Scam Artist, 2011-04-18
    To all who will listen. Brent Ivie and Gary Tanner are crooked liars who have stolen money from a lot of people, me being one of them. And the sad part is they actully could have ran an honest business. Doug Stewart the first CEO of Pepetual Green is as guilty as Brent and Gary. I did business with PG for a year they promised energy savings with there power factor correction devices. I will say that I sold systems that did save on power. With that said the majority of there systems did not perform as was promised in there contract.

    I purchased three commercial units from Gary Tanner. He put in the contract that a minimum of ten percent savings on KWh. This did not happen. From his own mouth he said there was no savings. When I asked for the money back he acted as if the contract was talking about residental units. It was a joke as was he!!! I will say I believe they tried to start and honest business. But when they started finding out flaws that were over there head they panicked and took the money and ran!!!! Way to go boys all the while invoking the name of the LDS church. Always good to know there are honest Mormons out there.

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