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* Just2Pure.com Scam Ripoff Merchants!

I ordered their sample RTI-126 research chemical and it put my girlfriend in hospital with Serotonin Poisoning, worst experience of our lives!

Be careful with this website, we should have noticed the signs … dispatching orders on Sundays?? Child-like spelling and grammar??

Avoid these scammers!!!


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83 responses to “Just2Pure.com Scam Ripoff Merchants!”

  1. michael says:

    Yeah, I also would like to find that thief if someone has some info about him please e-mail me


  2. wendy says:

    well they did send me 5g of 5apb…lol it wasnt even it was nothing just a fake tan powder but they seem to believe tht its gueniune..lol..well i have emailed them and told them they have until the end of today to sort this out i want a refund…if not i will post every bit of info i have from ian macalister to…..wont say until later there website is running of a website tht loads of other sites 2….same for the halifax bank account…but when yur a computer whizz kid like me lol. shifting threw ip address and hosts is a breeze lol…god so much info jus ready to let it out…….some1 always slips up they should knw tht…….

  3. wendy says:

    send me your email micheal…have loads of info now have passed it on to a close friend of mines not saying anything on this as just2pure read it…but they are con artists even the bank account they use laods of differant business are hooked up to it as well i already have been chatting to the halifax bank about this..

  4. wendy says:

    and alertpay jus have to get western union now..but if u wanna help me out feel free.

  5. Neil says:

    Wendy can you please give me any info you have on just2pure. My e-mail is [email protected] Cheers

  6. wendy says:

    DO NOT BUY THIS SITE IS RAN BY CON ARTISTS…..jus a wee bit of info to share with yous all…and u to just2pure as i know u read this site..what i have found out is the site is running under the name ian macalister ip address…well server is bank sort code is 11-14-86 acc:00154553..have been in touch with halifax waiting on reply i told them whoever owns this account is a con artist…have been in touch with a close friend who is looking into the matter..may get in touch with the police in leeds they have to have some info on these men i believe there is 2 off them by the way i was spoken too by email..i am a computer geek..lol and i am still looking into there site as much as i can..also have money transfer IBAN:gb85hlfx111486001 BIC:hlfxgb21y44 BRANCH:halifax i have contacted alertpay still waiting on reply but will try again when i finish work..

  7. D says:

    I can just repeat,DON’T BUY FROM THOSE GREEDY BASTARDS I sent them around 50 p for rare chemicals (I should know that it is impossible someone on the RC market has already those compounds,but the exitement to find them was stronger) and all of them was DIFFERENT AMOUNTS OF THE SAME – MAYBE ORGANIC – WHITE POWDER!!!!!
    And I had to ask several times until they just sent me anything.
    So avoid Just 2 Pure.com in any case!!!!!
    Burning your money is more effective…
    And it isn’t just mean,in case of burnt black powder (see this post : http://www.scamradar.com/reports/2358/just2pure-com-lying-cheating-and-putting-lives-in-danger.html) it seems to be quiet dangerous too…

  8. D says:

    I can just repeat,DON’T BUY FROM THOSE GREEDY BASTARDS I sent them around 50 p for rare chemicals (I should know that it is impossible someone on the RC market has already those compounds,but the exitement to find them was stronger) and all of them was DIFFERENT AMOUNTS OF THE SAME – MAYBE ORGANIC – WHITE POWDER!!!!!
    And I had to ask several times until they just sent me anything.
    So avoid Just 2 Pure.com in any case!!!!!
    Burning your money is more effective…
    And it isn’t just mean,in case of burnt black powder (see this post : http://www.scamradar.com/reports/2358/just2pure-com-lying-cheating-and-putting-lives-in-danger.html ) it seems to be quiet dangerous too…

    (now the link works)


    This is my sincerest warning about a woman called Debbie Malone, living in Sutherland in Sydney, Australia who purports to be a psychic. She not only has the psyhic ability of a piece of dog pooh, but has taken hundreds of thousands of dollars of vulnerable people looking for hope during their personal crisis. Recently she has bought a multi million dollar homes, big car and all the trimmings. When I contacted her to ask to please stop harrassing my son (she would call him and say that his dead girlfriend had a message for him) she replied that it was’none of my business’ and that it was my son’s choice if he kept spending money with her when he couldn’t afford it. Please be warned. This is a not a psychic but psychotic woman. She lies, she cheats, she steal from the weak.

  10. pawel s says:

    is Just2pure part of Official Benzo Fury mafia?

  11. joseph s says:

    I ordered their 3-meo-pce 48 hours ago for my sun flowers. Its an international order so its gonna take some time. Still no confirmation that anything has been shipped yet. I selected ‘International Tracked Shipping’. I am really, really hoping all of these negative accusations are untrue. Ill keep you guys updated. >_<

  12. joseph s says:

    Yay, got an email say it was shipped. <3

  13. joseph s says:

    Still waiting, hoping lol

  14. wendy says:

    trust me it will be fake….biggest con artists i have ever came across…

  15. joseph s says:

    if he were really coning people, why is he still alive?

  16. neil says:

    If i new where he was he wouldnt be ripping anyone else off!!!

  17. joseph s says:

    Still waiting on the delivery, ordered about 15 days ago. -_-

  18. Nick H says:

    Why does anyone even order from this guy with all the negative reports? It’s all your own fault now… Do yourself a favor, if you do want to waste your time, at least order from this guy using Alert Pay. That way if he rips you off, which he will, you can put it in dispute with Alert Pay and get your money back like I did.

  19. joseph s says:

    I did use alertpay. Just waiting on the delivery. I didn’t know about all this until I had already payed.

  20. joseph s says:

    Ok, so I went to the mailbox today and it finally came in. I am gonna test it on my sunflowers. I will have a conclusion shortly.

  21. joseph s says:

    It completely dissolved in ethanol. Good sign.

  22. joseph s says:

    40 min after feeling my sunflowers 20mg, they are starting to smile. Im really gonna get pissed though if all of you were wrong about just2pure, causing me to feel like shit the whole time I was waiting for it to come in….

  23. joseph s says:


  24. joseph s says:

    Here is a picture of what I received in the mail. http://i53.tinypic.com/2ppef0n.jpg

  25. joseph s says:

    Well, conclusion is that his 3-meo-pce is real. FUCK ALL OF YOU FOR MAKING ME Feel like I was gonna get ripped off.

  26. Nick H says:

    “Joseph s” posts are to methodically calculated in chronlogigal order on the same day, March 24th…… complete with pictures..lol.. I don’t believe it one bit.. do you?

  27. william jones says:

    Joseph you mug.I bet in the real world you are just as muggy as your stupid claims.You are just 2 pure talking shite.It goes to show you child like mentality.If your gonna blag it at least make it sound more reasonable.Anyway forget that for now.What you really need to know is one day someone will catch up with you and turn you upside down and finish your career.You never got my mates cash as you knew not to try it.You know the sound of a real mans voice you mug.If not why didnt you try and rip him off?Because you knew I would hunt you down and tear your head off.Sounded a bit risky to didnt he?Anyway people If you really wanted to catch him it wouldnt be too hard.Pretty sure you could just set a trap for him.Making him an offer he cant refuse then nab im!!!!Just 2 pure? Just a bunch of cuxnts more like

  28. joseph s says:

    I live in Texas you dumb shit. Learn you use a spacebar before you insult someone. Your likely from a third world country from the way you type lol.

  29. joseph s says:

    Here is the receipt from back when I bought that stuff. I still have some but Ive found something much better these days. Buprenorphine!

  30. william jones says:

    What is using a space bar got to do with you been a mug? Nothing. If you can read you can read, if you can’t you can’t. The issue ain’t about space bars (although you probably eat space bars as that the only place you could come from) Its about robbing thieving rip off people like yourself pretending to be a happy customer. Just2pure has closed down thats why your probably redirecting people elswhere.
    Ps You are still a mug
    and always will be..
    From the United Kingdom……

  31. william jones says:

    Ps. Just to state even further about your mugginess, you say you are from Texas not far from the Mexican border. You got almost any drug you could possibly want dirt cheap, from Cocaine to Heroine, from Viagra to Crystal meth. You got everything under the sun including American research chemical companies that are much cheaper than the Uk. Yet you choose to buy research chemicals from just2pure in the Uk?
    Four words = Yes Right You Mug.
    You must be from a third world company to think anyone will believe you are a genuine customer…

  32. william jones says:

    Scammers Scammers Scammers Scammers Thieves Robbers Rip Offs


    The public is a much safer…

  33. Rowan says:

    buckledbonzi are scammers. never respond to emails after you have made a payment & phone number is dodgy

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