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* Did You Authorize This Lady Janet Miller to Claim Your Fund?

Did You Authorize This Lady Janet Miller to Claim Your Fund?

Attention: Beneficiary

I am Mrs. Farida Mzamber Waziri (Chairman) Efcc Investigation Office Nigeria, there is presently a counter claims
on your funds by one MRS. JANET MILLER, who is presently trying to make us believe that you are dead and even
explained that you entered into an agreement with her before your death, to help you in receiving your fund $10.5M
So here comes the big question.

Did you sign any Deed of Assignment in favor of (MRS. JANET MILLER)?. thereby making her the current beneficiary
with this following account details: MRS. JANET MILLER, AC/NUMBER: 6503809428. ROUTING/122006743, B/NAME:CITI
BANK, ADDRESS:NEW YORK,USA We shall proceed to issue all payments details to the said MRS. JANET MILLER,
if we do not hear from you within the next two working days from today.However, you are advice to email the bank
immediately and confirm to them also if MRS. JANET MILLER is from you or not.

2) CONTACT TELEPHONE: +234-1 743 6770
4) OFFICIAL E-mail: [email protected]

Please note that you have less than 48hrs to get in contact with the paying bank before they proceed to issue all
payments to the said Mrs.Miller.


Mrs. Farida Mzamber Waziri

Mrs. Farida Mzamber Waziri

[email protected]


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One response to “Did You Authorize This Lady Janet Miller to Claim Your Fund?”

  1. JoseO says:

    Write back stating that you have give full authority to Janet Miller and that she is fully authorized to receive the payments.

    That ‘ll stop them dead in their tracks.

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