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* Mr. Robin Elliot SCAM

I received this via email and it reads:

A. Elliot (Fine Fabrics) Ltd.
Forest Mill
Dunsdale Road
Selkirk TD7 5EA
Email: [email protected]

About Us
A. Elliot Ltd specialists in the production of a range of textile products, including ladies and gents suiting, rugs, scarves and accessories. In addition, commission work is undertaken for interior designers and companies, and also for individuals requiring a special fabric woven for a particular purpose. Hence, we need to recruit a Book-Keeper/Representative. I like to know if you will be interested in working online from home and get paid weekly without creating inconvenience to your present job.

We serve the entire United States/Canada and Europe and a growing Import market, particularly in the supplies of Textiles and Fabric Products. Our integrated yarn and fabric manufacturing operations use state-of-the-art equipment from the world’s leading suppliers. Order processing, production monitoring and process flow are seamlessly integrated through a company-wide computer network.As a book keeper/Representative for the company all you have to do are below:

Experience And Job Description:
We are currently seeking part or full time employees for our ever-growing Accounts Receivable Department.Through extensive demographic research, we have
discovered a wealth of untapped human resources that,for one reason or another, need the freedom to work from home.If this sounds like you,please read on,and consider becoming part of our company family.as part of our on going Multilevel Marketing Network,we seek capable individuals to work for us as our representative. You can easily make $700-$1000 or more in a week by working for us as Sub-contractor in your geographical location, you will be in charge of collecting payment on behalf of our affiliates and Small business organizations that are registered under us. Does it sounds like your dream job? Well, it certainly for 10,000 + current members who are making $700- $1,000 weekly online with this system. Note that no form of investment of is needed from you and this job will take only 1-3 hours of your time per week.

* The average monthly income is about $3000 to $4000.
* No form of investments from you.
* This job takes Less than 1-2 hours per day.
* You do not pay any form of taxes.

Kindly get back to me as soon as possible if you are interested in this job offer with your:

Full Names
Contact Home Address Plus Zip Code (Not P O Box )
Phone Number
Fax Number If Any

*Do you have an exclusive relationship with another United Kingdom based company? YES /NO.*

Your provided information will be sent for the first internal screening and comparable of applicant’s information. Please if you are interested in this position don’t hesitate to get back to me.

Mr. Robin Elliot


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One response to “Mr. Robin Elliot SCAM”

  1. Scott McQuarrie says:

    I too received this exact e-mail and then they said they would contact me with further details. Thank you for heading off any trouble I may have gotten into.

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