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i received an email and almost didn’t open it, but when i see a person with my last name, i taught to myself he has to be family,but then again lots of people in this world have the same name. (he did not say which country this man was from and i found this to be stranged) then i read the address again and decide to research it, lo and behold their is no one by the name BARRISTER EDHAM BIN YAHYA but their are a company by the name ABD. GANI CHE MAN & CO. this scammer has the same postal code, and branch (Menara TJB Johor Bahru) but not and no way to fine his suite # which is (8.05 &8.06, level 8) and his NAME.(this is strange also)then i reread the first sentence which i the word (i) twice and that is personal, he did not say the Firm.
on top of that he want me to quote ‘keep this matter extraordinary confidential, what ever your decision…’ (did not even asked if there are other family members or didn’t contact any other,sopose they find out eventually, what would be my possition)
he wrote about the air flight crash in Iran whilt flying from Tehran to Khorramabad aired tuesday, 12 feb., 2002, 16:21 GMT and said his personal attorney Mr Mairek burge was a client of his, lost all his family members in that crash and died of a heart attack due to his family death.
he said ‘before it is confiscated or declared unservicable by the bank where this deposit value at a certain amount of US dollars is lodged. the bank has issued me a notice to contact the next of kin, or the account will be confiscated.’
where are the legal document to back up his claim?


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  1. I received the letter today As the Lady above, Mrs. Burge. I too read the letter and I thought that it was really weird, and now that i’m reading hers my letter said the same exact thing…….

  2. cynthia says:

    I got the email as well, thought I would look up Barrister Edham Bin Yahya. Sure enough look where I ended up :). Its not ironic the fact that the exact same wording was used in my letter as well.

  3. Kim Milligan says:

    How does an iranian sheik have an irish last name? lol

  4. Allison Ho-Kim says:

    I have received the same email on Sept 20th. I’m contacting the bank [name provided] tomorrow.

  5. syuada says:

    am..please be good…

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