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* Leah Lasley SCAM

Leah Lasley
dba midwestbikinigirls.com
dba leahlasley.com
dba mbyleah.com
aka Midwest Cuties
aka midwescuties
aka midwestcuties.com
aka Leah Enterprises in DEFAULT.

This client has a habit of claiming “the check’s in the mail” to induce additional work, and has done this a number of times. My reply to the above email was that when her account was paid in full, I would entertain additional work on her behalf. The above email was dated 03-20-2008, but as of 06-05-2010 payment not received.

Another victim of Leah Lasley’s history of non-payment surfaces. A contractor named Justin Trueblood contacted me with his information, after Leah Lasley defaulted, and found her listed on my website in Google.



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146 responses to “Leah Lasley SCAM”

  1. Leah Lasley ' s webmaster mike says:

    @PUBLICIST!As me being a webmaster for 20 plus years there are companies that push negative stuff off google.And that’s what leah means that’s who we are going through.

  2. Publicist says:

    Criminal charges? For telling the truth? Yikes, I can’t imagine what the prison time will be. We all know all these posts are from you Leah, aka, “Leah Lasley’s Webmaster Mike.” Only you write that horribly.

    We will all stay tuned for our criminal charges and your blossoming career.

  3. Leah Lasley ' s webmaster mike says:

    @GUY S!Leahs website is being revamped it says under construction.But I’m not going to argue with people on a site like this.You will see her progress.And posting personnel stuff on a person is criminal .That’s what was told to me by the officer’s I’m working with.Honestly I think a site like this should be shut down.As I said earlier I’m finding the same IP addresses for more then half of these people using fake names.

  4. Officer Glenn Minneapolis Precinct says:

    The end result is thanks to Leahs webmaster helping get IP addresses we are filing charges monday.The same person is doing most of the postings using different names but the same IP address.And as an officer of the law it’s my duty to make sure this is taken care of.And when charges are filed I will post them on monday so everyone of you see this is not a joke.And to Leah Lasley please don’t respond to anyone anymore this will all be taken care of for you on monday.Our next step is trying to shut a website like this down.

  5. Guy S. says:

    @Leah, you do not ow me a dime. We’re even. My point is people are either blowing things out of proportion, after all the public records (which is why your web guy is wrong) show no criminal activity like someone claimed, not sure who.
    The second point was to point out the error in everyone’s way who claim you owe them money. Why would anyone work for free? No deposit, no payment schedule, no business sense.
    I must admit, I was paid on time, maybe a day or two late at most, because we had a payment schedule set up in advance. You simply didn’t like the advice I offered you, that’s all that ended our business dealings.

  6. leah says:

    @guy s oh ok I see what your saying and I agree with you and thank you….And I have grown alot if I got mad at you over some advice I’m really sorry.Was a bit immature then.

  7. Videographer says:


    You could get into some more trouble for impersonating an officer. I don’t think the officer and webmaster mike just happen to have your exact same typing mannerisms and speech patterns. I could of course call the Minneapolis Police and ask for Officer Glenn. I could see if he actually talks like that.

    Guy S. You were perhaps the videographer who came before me. She told me you two had a falling out. I filmed something for her one day about 2008. She told me she would send me the money for the shoot so I went home to edit it. I told her I woulld not send her a final edit until at least got.paid.for the.video shoot. ( a whopping $40) that money never came so I never sent her the footage. I would hear from her every few months and she would talk as though we had never agreed to anything . Only saying ” the check must have been lost in the mail” or ” let’s meet somewhere ” . I found a posting from the actress who wasn’t paid either. I mentioned it to a friend of mine back then and she told me about a fashion show where Leah fired her without pay.

    This is why I asked her to prove she had a PayPal . No need to loose checks anymore.

    Leah, I did not come here to bash you. Only to tell the truth and see if you could show that you didn’t want to be seen as a criminal and pay all the debts you owe. Furthermore, it pains me to know how many other people you may take advantage of. One comfort though is in the fact that you have less time to use people while you spend so much of it playing the part of a whole team on the internet.

  8. leah says:

    @videographer first of all guy is not a videographer…number 2 I’m not impersonating officer Glenn or my webmaster you will see monday when officer Glenn posts the info and charges lol…..number 3 as I keep saying you get nothing from me I don’t know u never seen u…if you claim u have my email then email proof of something then we will go from there…until then goodbye..

  9. leah says:

    @videographer you will know my team when you see what officer Glenn posts bye bye

  10. justice? says:

    Am I not surprised? Where is the post that was promised to us by the alleged Officer Glen. So far I have seen that three of us have gone to the police – are there any more willing to go?

  11. leah says:

    @justice? Lmao your next see unlike you we sent direct to people not posting info on a website like this..Can’t wait til yours gets to you…you have this biggest mouth with the fake st name…your a fraud…and to @Guy s thank you for posting that I have paid you and how I have no criminal record and how these so called people have no business sense…so at justice whoever you are can’t wait til we get your ass…my webmaster is working in you lol and I can’t wait…bye bye lmaooooooooooooooooooooooo about what’s coming your way…you have no idea lovin this…lmaoooooooooooooooo

  12. Curious says:

    This thread is so funny (and very sad). Was curious about Leah after she’s been saying for YEARS “my show is coming out next month!” and it never happens… googled and found this, explains everything LOL. Girl you need a real job, one that actually pays money! If people wanted to see you on TV you wouldn’t need to pay them to film you, the TV channel would!

  13. Ex-Web Designer says:


    I remember doing quick design job for Miss Lasley years ago. I really liked the design but it didn’t take me very long so I wasn’t upset when she didn’t pay me. I had plenty of client work to attend to, so I brushed it off. Flash forward 6 or so years, my linkedin account suggests her as a contact. I’m in a career I love and am no longer doing web design, but I get curious. Did she ever become a booming media mogul? A Google search returns anything but. Here she is, quarreling her unpaid creatives using her personal account/aliases. She seems to have frantically taken half-stabs at multiple get-rich quick schemes. A perfume line? Really? This reminds me of when highschool kids form a band, record one crappy song and try to hawk their “merch” on CafePress. People arent buying the perfume, they’re buying you. And if you’re nobody…the product is worthless.

    All-in-all, I feel a kind of awful happiness about her life. She sounds like she has abused many creative minds over the years. Watching her wage a losing war and cling to her delusions of grandeur really is a lot like watching some trashy reality TV show.

    Congrats honey, you’ve made it.

    Also, whomever impersonated an officer, stop. Officers don’t use comments sections to make official statements. Furthermore, an IP address isn’t like a SSN. You’d be hard pressed to track a person using one (Not like you have access to this sites records anyway).


  14. old videographer says:

    Police charges were filed against Leah Lasley by me and a make up artist that she screwed over a couple years ago. The police basically never followed through with it as far as i know, even though I got about 15 different names of people who she owed money to. It is very sad that she has not learned her lesson yet. If you do get the police to help, I will join forces with you and can contact the make up artist and i’m sure she will as well.
    I also filed with the ICC – internet crime prevention branch of the FBI – they had a list of all the names as well. But maybe when you dont own a car or live in the same place too long its hard to track someone down.
    I’ve long since moved past this womans nonsense but would like to help put an end to it. its been going on since like 2007 I believe. Thats long enough.
    And leah, if you use my name publicly in this post I will definitely get you on defamation of character because you know darn well you did not pay and not liking the video footage because it “makes you look fat” doesnt mean i did a bad job!!

  15. leah says:

    To old videographer to whoever you are get a fucken life quit trying to be relevant…I work with amazing people who have seen this shit and laugh at all u guys just like I am…lmaooooo…pitiful I’m still going yo be successful and things to my new guy who can push crap like this away down pages I’m good..have a great life…cause I’m am lol

  16. Videographer says:

    That’s interesting that she thought a video made her look fat. I had an issue with here where she thought that someone looked fat in a video and wanted me to do something to digitally make them thinner. Certainly not at the rate she was NOT paying me.

    I think if you are talking with the police, you should add impersonating a police officer to her list of crimes. Unless of course Officer Glenn is real. Not sure what precinct he is at.

  17. ANewVictimsFriend says:

    This chick just within the last two months scammed a close friend of mine. She moved in with him & magically couldn’t come up with $125 a week for rent. If you’re som awesome new reality star with a fragrance deal, you’d have surely been able to afford your rent.

    I’m only posting this so the next person who googles her name will know, she’s still scamming people. It may not be all these people in this “industry” she’s supposedly in (I worked for vita.mn & the “ad” she has up on her tumblr or whatever, would NEVER EVER EVER ran. I promise you that.), but a next potential landlord should know, she’s done this lots of times obviously.

  18. Christopher says:

    She’s still at it? Was going to shoot her a few years back. Then i saw this. She threatened me and said she had a cop friend that was going to get me. Then made up some crap about me rapping women . I have been with my girl since 2001.. She’s a real loony chick.. Theres much more on the net about her. She had bounced on rental property too..

  19. I was supposed to do a fashion show for her lingerie line– that conveniently never happened. Then she contacted me to do a fashion segment on her YouTube channel. She claimed it was successful and acted like she had been making a lot of videos. When I looked up her channel I found like one crappy video. Putting this aside I thought I would still help her out on her YouTube ventures, but each time we were to shoot she canceled with poorly thought excuses. This went on for about two months. Eventually I just stopped replying– I’m usually not the kind of person to talk badly about others– I like helping people become successful. But I can’t handle childish shiii like this. I sadly do not recommend working with her. If you do, just a heads up on what might occur. Maybe she’s changed, but maybe you’re better off working with other (successful) beings– the industry is filled with them 😛 I have nothing to hide by disguising my name so if you want further details, feel free to contact me.

  20. Still scammin says:

    Wow can’t believe she’s still up to the same ole stuff she still owes me money from 2004 Midwest Cuties. I seen her yesterday and googled her to see whats new.

  21. TJ olson says:

    This girl is bad news. Do business with her or help her out at your peril.

  22. Videographer says:

    I’m writing this in case her next victim googles her name. Do not work with this person, she is a complete compulsive liar who has an enormous victim complex. I worked with her for around 7 months, she owes me $500 and has made it clear she has absolutely no means or want to pay. Through the months she cancelled about 25 shooting dates and fell short on invoice payments for months at a time. She has recently pretended that she switched numbers and when I called her out on it she blocked me. Leah has many civil suits brought against her for withholding rent payments and has multiple evictions over the last 10 years. This is a pattern of nonpayment and it continues. It’s incredible that she has made it this far with the insane amount of unprofessional behavior. She will tell you she has PR friends, webmasters, model friends, and other resources at her disposal to help her business. Take anything she says as falsehood, she is incredibly manipulative. Avoid falling into the trap that many others have fallen victim to.

  23. Film Worker says:

    You may rest easy knowing that a huge percentage of her facebook followers are fake “ghost profiles”, no one comments or shares anything she posts on social media (because she is a nobody), and her website looks completely amateur. Luckily, everyone will continue not taking her seriously because of her garbage social media presence and complete lack of self-awareness that she is completely alone, she has made herself an outcast by pushing away everyone that would have been a resource to her by being a general piece of shit, and that she will never make it in this industry.

  24. Lynn Grace says:

    Leah Lasley rented an apartment from us and skipped out on rent for two months, telling lies, making promises, creating all kinds of chaos, and finally moving last night to an unknown address without paying rent owed. She will not answer texts. Her roommate asked for her new address via text, Leah told her she sent it to us which is not true. She also took an item that belonged to her roomate when she left. We’re thankful to be rid of her, though scammed in the process. Do not rent to her or do any business with her at all.

  25. Leahlasleyisascamartist says:

    She is still scamming people. Watch out. She still hasn’t paid me and records indicate multiple law suits from evictions to default and nonpayment.

  26. SammedbyLeahLasley says:

    She’s posting on Thumbtack requesting for services. Be aware!!

  27. SelfObsessedScammerLeahLasley says:

    She still scams people. Stay away from that self obsessed wannabe.

    Here’s her number if anyone needs to track her down:
    612 352 0832

  28. She's a piece of shit says:

    Yup. Leah Lasley. Scammer. Idiot. Doesn’t know basic writing, or reading for that matter. And has screwed over a dozen people including myself. I hope freelancers do their research and come across this website prior to doing any business with her. She’s a nobody. A low life. Preying on artists and messing with their livelihood.

  29. Steve Carlson says:

    I have also been ripped off by the lame half-assed massage. Do go to her!

  30. Steve Carlson says:

    Sorry, the comment above should read: I have also been ripped off by her lame half-assed massage. Do NOT go to her!

  31. Alexis howard says:

    This is Leah’s publicist and I’ve been working with her for about 6 months now.And we have someone right now helping to remove all of these false claims about her.And to the person who says see does massages.Sorry no she doesn’t you can stop that false claim right now.If she owed any of you money there are ways to get a hold of her.She’s had the same contact info forever.Don’t always believe everything you hear about a person.She’s always paid me on time and is a great client.I seen this report before I started working with her and I was hesitant at first but she really is a great person and client.So a lot of these claims are false and I myself know that a person will and can lie on you to make you seem awful.Please don’t believe everything you read.Have an amazing successful day!

  32. Ryan Ouradnik says:

    What’s your name publicist? Which company do you represent? I would like to get in contact with you.

  33. Alexis howard says:

    @ryan if you are contacting me to do marketing/publicity work for you I will gladly give you my information! But if you are going to contact me to bash my client Leah I won’t allow it.I’m here to protect and help her brand.Not to diminish her repore like these other so called people on this site are.But if you would like work done I would be happy to give you my info and speak with you.Much success

  34. Madellina Rose says:

    I think it’s hilarious you’re so quick to dismiss everyone’s “accusations”, as you call them. Just because you haven’t had a shitty experience with her *yet* doesn’t mean everyone else’s’ experiences aren’t real. I’ve given my name and way to contact me for any clarifications– so seriously feel free. I have proof of her flakiness and merely suggest others thoroughly get an idea before getting involved with such an irresponsible person. But it’s totally up to each individual how deeply fucked they want to get by her 💁🏽 Again, feel free to look me up Madellina Rose

  35. H says:

    Do not help her. She’s a scammer. She owes me $300 from like three years ago. She blocked me and changed her number and email. Also the people “claiming” to work with her and commenting above ^ are probably just her with a fake profile. There are dozens of complaints about her. So please do believe what everyone is saying. She’s awful

  36. Alexis howard says:

    @authur H first off all the person helping me with getting this off Google told me to stop responding to people.. Which half these people I don’t know..but if you are a real person and just not trying to post fake crap call me at 6123520832 which by the way I’ve had the same number for years and my email is [email protected] and if I really know who you are which I don’t call me and we can discuss and refresh my memory on who you even are thank you

  37. ScammedbyLeah says:

    So “Alexis”, you are “Leah” then. What bunch of crap. Hope you get sued for not paying people.

    Everyone, take legal actions!!!!

  38. Ted says:

    she posted with the phone number 6123520832 terrible massage. She could have given a decent massage as long as she was there, but no, she choose to give a crappy massage and waste my time and money.

  39. Leahisascammingasshole says:

    Lol the terrible spelling, punctuation, and basic writing indicates that it’s Leah 😂 She’s a dumb fuck who never graduated high school and makes a business by scamming people. It’s who she is. “Alexis” at least learn how to write before you try to act like a professional publicist.

  40. Webmaster says:

    @Leahisascammingasshole you are so pathetic whoever you are.Quit hiding behind a fake website get a job and a life.You are so sad and have no life other then to post about others.Once again same IP address as all these other comments.Lol get a life loser

  41. #metooLeah says:

    I’ve been scammed by Leah and it’s too embarrassing to talk about. After I realized I should not have tried to help her, I found out that she’s even been in trouble with metro transit for not paying her fare.

    Leah, I know you’re “Officer Glenn,” and that you’re webmaster Mike, and that you’re posing as your own publicist. Ironically, I actually *do* have your ip address and a history of your phone numbers — but the main point is that, at some point, you must realize that you are causing harm to people. You’re using people the way you hate being used. You and I were friends. I’m still your friend, but I’m staying away from you because all you do is hurt people.

    Yes, Leah Lasley has stolen from me, too. Money, time, and (never again) my energy.

  42. Leah Lasley says:

    @metooleah shut the fuck up I paid someone to delete all this false negative shit about me..get a damn life talking about we are friend..whoever you are friends don’t say lies about people get a damn life and this shit will all be deleted dumbass whoever you are..stop being a follower bye bye

  43. Leah Lasley says:

    @metooLeah and you stupid fuck I don’t even ride metro transit get a damn life you hater bye bye..and if you keep posting I will find out who you are as my webmaster will find out that for me and your ass will be wooped for lying dumb bitch

  44. Madellina Rose says:

    Classic Leah, being so professional with her responses :’) it only adds to the validation of everyone’s perspective of you but okay 👌🏼 Every time she “defends” herself and it pops up in my email I can’t help but laugh.

  45. Methird says:

    Wow, I was going to talk about getting scammed too, but it seems like I’m not alone. Glad to see she’s getting her Karma’s worth. Also, Leah, you’re getting old, you’re no where near famous, and the first thing that comes up when you Google your name is this scam thread. Way to go, you’ve accomplished a lot. Old, washed-up scammer.

  46. Leah says:

    @metrird first of all dumb fool whoever you are use your real name..don’t know you period idiot..and by the way there are tons of Leah lasleys use the right one fool..and all you idiots are ridiculous if someone so called owed you fuckers money take them to court.. Just pathetic get a job with nothing to do on your hands..and fucken idiot you know nothing about me..as I stated before use a real name..your the scammer lmaooooooo

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