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* Slyplants.com is a SCAM!

no one has received anything! google “slyplants” and “scam” and you’ll see. they will take your money and never respond to emails after that. you’ve been warned.


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413 responses to “Slyplants.com is a SCAM!”

  1. AlsoBlackAss says:

    Thank you mr bright eyess for the 10 euro sample your 5-MeO-DMT was trippy and euphoric as hell . When i will have enough money i will order much more .

  2. Mephi says:

    Has anyone bought from slyplants lately? I was recieving very good meph last year is it still the same? Is it real meph?

  3. CANDO says:

    Slyplants NOT a scam! 2 transactions, both satisfactory. GO SLYPLANTS!

  4. ERIC H says:


  5. steve says:

    Im trying to buy mdpv of someone reliable in the uk. Can anybody give me a contact. I have been conned 3 times straight now and cant afford to take anymore risks ordering from abroad. IM only after 5 – 10 grms at a time. If anybody can help me, ide be grateful

  6. Joe Gateway says:

    I placed an order and paid through Western Union. I got my package about 2 weeks after. Quick and easy. I would use them again.

  7. aleefee says:

    Have ordered three packages – all good. They package up the gear really securely and even throw in a free sample. The old management may have been scammers, but I have only the highest praise for new bosses.

  8. sockpuppets suck says:

    @aleefee – a free sample of what? sounds like BS

  9. Ervin says:

    Slyplants isn’t a scam. They are allways processed me orders. Primary nessesery writely fill fields of your order, amd you get your order fastly

  10. JOE CRANE says:

    I’ve ordered from these guys on three different occasions. At first like most anyone else buying online, I thought I might get scammed. But these guys deliver, on time with tracking number.

  11. Mephi says:

    Anyone from eire or uk order recently?

  12. steve says:

    I i ordered 3 months ago package disappeared after customs at UK at the forwarded for possessing stage. my pal works there did some checking the package had a false address on it so it couldn’t be delivered. i had thought if customs had it i would get a letter as least. I’ve emailed the told them this and they have resent my order. is at the same stage at customs today now forwarded for UK processing did only arrive this morning so see what happens. Will let you all know

  13. susan says:

    I for one have patronized such sites, most of them are fraud and scams. i had a hard time coming across a legit distributor and wasted a couple good bucks! But just exclusively for customers that do enjoy really high quality drugs for the right price i stumbled onto this contact on Skype apparently is more reliable than all this websites.
    researchchem.ltd on skype
    very nice price and really good $#*!. i have been taking drugs now for a while and i can tell you that this supplier really meets the margin in good quality .
    I hope i helped in one way or the other.

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