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* dreams benidorm scam

in 2009 I purchased a yashica hdv5mr30 video camera from this crowd and its ok but I saw the same camera for 90euros in Lanzarote and i paid over 6 times as much for mine — fool me, the cams ok but was I ripped off!!!


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18 responses to “dreams benidorm scam”

  1. Barry McClements says:

    I have recently returned from Benidorm where I was a victim of a camcorder scam in the same way as other people have reported.The “Sony” shops name and address is Moons Eletronics AVDACASTELLON,EDI.COBLANCA 6,LOC.1003503 BENIDORM-ALICANTE-SPAIN.as printed on the useless receipt.So don’t go anywhere near this or any other “SONY” shop.Their hard sell tactics ende up with me paying 895 euro’s for a camcorder that I had only agreed to pay 110 eur’s for and an unauthorised payment of 395 euro’s.They told me they couldn’t register the guarantee unlessI had identity on me which iI hadn’t so I had to go back to my hotel room to get it and I paid by debit card which I foolishly did.They used an old type of card machine and at no time did I see the price I was paying.On returning to the shop with my passport they took the number and on leaving asked where the card machine receipt was and was told it was in the box.when I got back to my hotel room I checked the box and the receipt was “hidden” at the bottom in a small plastic bag.I went back to the shop to demand a full refund but was met with aggression and pushed out of the shop.I went to the police station but they were not a lot of help and just advised to go back to the shop and ask for three copies of a form for complaint to the consumer authorities but the problem was that I was flying back to the uk within three days so I couldn’t really do anything about it and it wasn’t until today that I realised after checking my bank balances that they hd also taken the unauthorised payment of 395 euro’s.So beware and keep away from these shops.

  2. speak no evil says:

    ugh, I just got a camera…….you saying it’s not going to arrive?

  3. Hans says:

    They are the biggest scoundrels alive! I got a camera worth nothing, and I want to trash it with my sledgehammer. Sold me a Fuji camera, but it was not :(….
    I really want to pay a lot of money to give these guys some hell!!!

    Someone that wants to join?

    Lets make some hell!


  4. june says:

    i have just come back from benidorm i also purchased a camera from dreams and as i was going back to the uk next day i did not find out till two days later that they had took took £810out for the camera and£538 for battery and to top the lot they have taken all my money out of my acc so i am now in the red with my bankbank told me they cant do any thing i have notifided the police everybody be warned these people have no conscience

  5. nancy james says:

    MY friend was also ripped off.

  6. nancy james says:

    My mom was also ripped off ,but they refund money back since she called guardia civil & filed case against them of (ESTAFA).pls. call guardia civil .

  7. Lynn Harris says:

    Was in Benidorm 11/12/10 Husband and I were conned into paying over £260 for what we thought was a Sony camera back at hotel realised it was cheap crap. Rep advised us not to go back to the shop (as we wanted to go and demand a proper Sony) we were also told police would not do anything we took the reps advice and are now waiting on response from credit card company to see if we can get our money back. Shop is called MEGAPIX Avda.Mediterraneo.Edif.Ducado.41, local 42 03503 Benidorm at first there was one old gent and a guy about 26 they were very friendly at first but when we started to ask questions he was on the phone (apparentley getting instruction for camera translated to english) we should have cottoned on then but we just wanted out the shop as by now another 3 older indian guys were hanging about just inside the shop and we were the only 2 customers.

  8. moons camera shop benidorn says:

    i have been informed that this shop has been closed .and that two men have been jailed.

  9. Lynn Harris says:

    anyone who has been ripped off and notices it and has paid by credit card contact the credit card company and block any other transactions (these lowlifes might try and clone it) next thing when you get home send a letter to credit card company asking for a refund under section 75 of the consumer credit act 1974. This covers goods bought abroad that were either misold or unfit for purpose. We did this and got the money we paid for the piece of trash deducted. Take the camera to an authorised dealer and get them to verify it is not a Sony, JVC or whatever make. Take a copy and send original along with your letter. The credit card company is as equally liable as the people who sold the camera. It took me a lot of internet surfing to find this out.

  10. ray hannah says:

    They through my own stupiditythey have had me twice, First time I purchassed a camera they told me was worth £1,200 I paid 450 euro plus 90 euro for battery on arrival home there was a fault with camera On ret to benidorm they stated that was a general fault with camera and offered me full refund against previous sale they offered a camera with price ticket of 2,000 euro I foolishly paid a further 457euro after they gavem me a supposed 50% discount plus refund. after I paid
    they said i needed a memory card they said was worth 300 euro for 180 euro.I took camera back and found camera would not perform what he told me it would I the next day reterned to the shop, He then stated he had not had time to test camera a supposed cannon with 16 mg he then stated it was not a true cannon it was from china and the 16 mg on box may not be true, also it was not hdmi By this time I am so frustraited I am 77years old and with all the pressure from him also realising camera was of no use at all to me he got down another camera stating it to be the best in the shop with the price of 3000.00 euro after a lot of banter he agreed to refund the 457 euro however he said he could not show refund on his machine at the time I did agree after hard discussion agree to pay £500.oo
    in receipt I noticed he had taken 750euro I pointed this out to him he gave me a long explination stating things like that was what my bank woul charge etc.In the end he said all would be sorted. LIAR on reterning home I could not locate the camera mode yashica zhd8r30ht anywhere on line.also he did not take off 457 euro from credit card and took the 750 euro instead of 580 euro. Reguard to the latter I have informed my bank. Regardless of that even if I manage to get any of the latter from the bank I will be paying over ,1,500.00 euro for a camera that in all proberbility to be a lemon. I am a fool I must concede All I can state is due to my advanced years and his pressure I was totally conned

    5 discount


  11. Lynn Harris says:

    this is for the attention of ray hannah. Please follow the instructions in my post directly above yours. Do not let the credit card company fob you off. And do take it to a reputable dealer and have them verify in writing that it is not a genuine Sony, JVC or whatever. Good luck.

  12. ray hannah says:

    Thank you Lynn, My bank told me as you did yourself to take camera to a
    reputable dealer, I have receved a report, I have today forward it to my bank
    Thank you again Ray..

  13. Lynn Harris says:

    Hi Ray please let me know how you get on.Thanks
    Lynn Harris

  14. Ray Hannah says:

    Hi Lynn, Got a result from my bank, They were very fair, I am still out with what those shisters conned from me, I am pleased with the bank’s payment. however the downside is the money is from the bank not those rip off merchants.The banks should blacklist these con men, Also the local police should close them down, They must have had reports about them.Thank you once again Ray.

  15. Lynn Harris says:

    Hi Ray so glad you got your money back. We are going to back to Benidorm in a few weeks but we will be avoiding All electrical shops like the plague.
    Happy Easter

  16. Just got back from Benidorm where I was sold a camera memeory card for 24 euros. My son says that it is not worth 1 Euro. Two pakistani looking men sold me the card and one claimed that his cousin worked for Jessops in leeds. There were other british oaps outside who were buying electrical items (getting ripped off). They are very persuasive,but looked nervous when I said that my two sons would be coming round to see them. My son says that they work for a company called Moon Electronics which sell chinese fake goods.
    They had actually fiddled with my camera to make the contrast look dark. Good news for them is that they made a mere 23 euros. The bad news is that me and my two sons will rip their heads off if and when we meet ’em.It’s a small world believe me it is.

  17. Deruytter says:

    My parents bought a camera for 700 euros, and the camera is worthless. They paid by card, but not with a creditcard. I really want them to get their money back… They are back in belgium, can the guardia still help?

  18. harry says:

    they are still at it caught me on 8oct 2014

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