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* Ricky Shaw

I was contacted by a guy known as tanmix through match.com. He sent me a number of emails spoke to me on the phone and said he loved me. Then he asked me to pay $4000 into a bank account so he could export / import a painting from Malaysia to Australia that his father had left his family, details as follows …
Westpack Banking Corporation Australia.
Account Name….Bella Martins.
Amount: $4000 AUS

I did not deposit the money, he then asked me to transfer money via western union to



The above details match the scam for mystery shoppers.

He uses the following email addresses
[email protected]
[email protected]

And has used the following mobile phone numbers
1 619 752 5620
60 1 730 34843
0432 358 114


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2 responses to “Ricky Shaw”

  1. heidi ruff says:

    ricky shaw found me on seniorpeople meet.com i am a widow and was very upfront with him that i would be coming into this realtionship with nothing but myself,he proceed to tell that was ok he had money, he had his own business dealing with gemstones that his father had left in maylasia and passed away before going back to get them,he asked me to send money because he was stuck in customs and need to get home,well the sucker that i am transferred $2800.00 to him via money gram to korede o. shokeye (his lawyer) he told me he loved me and that i promise i’ll pay you back as soon as i get in the states,and he even had someone send me a fraudulent check for $300,000 to hold because someone was gonna buy the gems from him when he got home. women please beware the volchers are out there and they are on the prey,please be very careful. he used rickyshaw4532@yahoo and phone number he used was from malaysia 60-1-33872914.he is using “his” children and “his” mother for guilt trip responses.

  2. Annonymous says:

    Same guy under the name Mac King (American/Italian). Same situations as above and same lawyer Korede O. Shokeye in Malaysia. Painting inheritance left by dead father and lost gems and problems with customs and government officials. This man is part of a large syndicate of scammers and they are all over the world. IP addresses have taken me to Nigeria, Malaysia, Dubai, UK and now South Africa. Beware of this cunning sweet-talking fraudster with whatever name he chooses to go under with all his undying love BS and even cries all the time. I have lodged complaints with Interpol for Malaysia and South Africa and now he is using IP address “Sender1.zoho.com” and his location is Kansas, USA. Lodging a complaint with the FBI also. This guy has been around for many years scamming and one can only hope that justice will prevail!

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