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* Unlimited Downloads – BBW

Beware of the following website…

They advertise unlimited downloads for a onetime fee. They offer a 30 money back guarantee, but won’t honor it.

All there site does it point you to other sites to download. In other words, all they have really done is to do the search for you. They don’t actually have any of the material themselves. They have a disclaimer in fine print on their website, but it is very easy to miss it.

Their only method of payment is through PayPal. There is a good reason for that. You can’t file a dispute within PayPal for a service complaint. So you’re SOL unless you changed your PayPal method to a Credit Card.


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2 responses to “Unlimited Downloads – BBW”

  1. gardenhero08 says:

    Absolutely true – wish I had found this site and review BEFORE I paid up

  2. Bill Shlotsky says:

    If you get “scammed” because you didn’t read a contract you agreed to, then it’s not a scam. If the company broke their agreement or did something unethical, then PayPal would be on your side. I was actually refunded on a service complaint through PayPal because I was wrongfully charged.

    Any company that you do not trust 100%, you need to read EVERYTHING you sign.

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