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* Mrs Ella Dickson – dying woman – email scam

My name is Mrs.Ella Dickson.I am a dying woman who has decided to will
her fortune to you for charitable goals.I am 55 years old and was diagnosed
for cancer about 2 years ago, Kindly Contact my lawyer through this email
address([email protected]) if you are interested in carrying out
this task,so that he can arrange the release of the
funds($10,500,000.00)to you.My lawyer’s name is Barrister James Adams
Jnr.I know I have never met you but instincts tells me to do this,and i
hope you act sincerely.
Thank you and God bless you.


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One response to “Mrs Ella Dickson – dying woman – email scam”

  1. Jessica Vidarte says:

    Are these real or scams. My Fiance just got 2 e-mails like this and I am wondering if they are real or not. They seem so sincere and real with not ask for personal information or anything. I hope they are real because I have always wanted to donate money to different foundations and I am a poor mother of 6, going to college and just making it. If this is a scam please someone show me how and why. Thanks.

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