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Below is an email that i received…
I write to inform you that we have already sent you $5000.00USD dollars
through Western Union as we have been given the mandate to transfer your
full compensation payment of $2.100, 000,00 USD via Western Union by the
united nation Government.So, I decided to email you the MTCN and sender
name, so you can pick up this $5000.00USD to enable us send another
$5000.00USD by tomorrow as you know we will be sending you only
$5000.00USD per day. Please pick up this information and run to any
Western Union in your country to pick up the $5000.00USD and call me back
to send you another payment tomorrow.

Manager: Mr.Nicholas Pfeiffer
Email:[email protected]
Call or email me once you picked up this $5000.00USD today.
Here is the western union information to pick up the
$5000.00.USD you can also track it on-line @ www.westernunion.com


Mr.Nicholas Pfeiffer


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One response to “MTCN”

  1. Eric Paul says:

    I received the same e-mail. How are people allowed to continue doing this. I also received various other e-mails for winning lotteries. About 2 a day. Is it possible to post them on this web-site? and what can be done about it?

  2. Natasha says:

    How are you today?
    I write to inform you that we have already sent you USD5000.00
    dollars through Western Union as we have been given the mandate to
    transfer your full compensation payment of USD1,800,000.00 via Western
    Union by this government. I called to give you the information through
    phone as internet hackers were many but I cannot reach you yesterday
    even this morning.
    So, I decided to email you the MTCN and sender name so you can pick up
    this USD5000.00 to enable us send another USD5000.00 by tomorrow as
    you knows we will be sending you only USD5000.00 per day. Please pick
    up this information and run to any Western Union in your country to
    pick up the USD5000.00 and call me back to send you another payment
    tomorrow.Manager: Mr. Micheal Osilama
    Telephone: +234-806-892-5707 Email: [email protected]
    Call or email me once you picked up this USD5000.00 today.
    Here is the western union information to pick up the USD5000.00,
    MTCN:: 6073921978
    AMOUNT SENT:: $5000.00 USD

    I am waiting for your call or email once you pick up the USD5000.00,

    Este mensaje ha sido analizado por MailScanner
    en busca de virus y otros contenidos peligrosos,
    y se considera que está limpio.

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