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* SQL Trades

First Time Buyers.
SQL trades Limited as a company is SCAM!!! so stay away!

They assured me they could ship my single package. Promised me the shipment would arrive swiftly. They received payments from me and then the real show began.

They started telling me they couldn’t ship because of weight issues and that I had to order 10 or 5. Since I couldn’t afford to order that many because of room and money, they convinced me to buy 2 get 1 free. They told me that I was in no obligation to pay for 2nd item until I received it. After I gave the nod, They alerted me the 3 items were being shipped via Ems courier and that I would have them in my hands by 3pm, the 3rd day. On the evening of the 2nd day Ems courier emails me telling me to pay customs fees, without leaving any details as to where to send them. After emailing them back, Ems tells me I had to pay $250 to Sql trades Limited. They never told me this!

Upon contacting Sql trades Limited about the issue they told me to first pay them the customs fee plus the cost of 2nd item then they would release delivery authorization to Ems . I was pissed!

I sent them just the custom fee and demanded that they live up to their promises, that my shipments be released or my money back. Haven’t heard from them ever since and my items are still on hold.


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