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* EFT GROUP in RetroFitness Gyms

My husband and I decided it would be a good idea to join a fitness club, and get back into shape, after having our children. So we did some research and found a RetroFitness that was very close to our home and decided to join. Once we joined, we got one free personal session with a trainer, so we decided to try it out! BIG MISTAKE!!!

Once we had our session, the trainer asked us if we would like to continue and we were told it would be $90 a month and there would be absolutely no penalties to end, just “Come talk to me” is what he said. So we decided to try it!!! ANOTHER BIG MISTAKE!! Once they took my debit card number, they had me sign a white piece of paper with no total on it, I WILL NEVER MAKE THAT MISTAKE AGAIN!! And I realize now why there was no total….they took 219 instead of the 90!!!!

After I realized they took $219 from my bank account instead of $90, I decided we were not going to continue, it seemed like too much of a hassel!! (But my hassel didn’t even begin yet) I looked for the guy we signed up with at the gym but unfortunately was never there at the same time as him.

So I called RetroFitness and asked if they could look at my account and see which trainer I signed up with and how I go about canceling. I was told I signed up with Ryan and I just needed to mail a letter to 333 East Six Forks Road Suite 140 Raleigh, NC 27609. I didn’t hear anything back so I got online and looked up EFT GROUP (EFFECTIVE FITNESS TRAINING) and found Brian Berman Customer Service Director, so I e-mailed him and asked about canceling and he responed 7 days later…great customer service huh?!? He responded by telling me I needed to mail it certified so I re sent the letter certified.

After that I get another e-mailing stating that I need to pay a $250 cancelation fee. REMEMBER I WAS TOLD, CANCEL WHENEVER, NO FEES LIKE THE GYM!

So I called Brian Berman (I am not sure why he is the customer service director) and I tell him what was going on, he then tell me that I signed up with a Nick, not a Ryan. But calls Ryan anways to find out if my story checks out and guess what? Ryan doesn’t have a clue about anything. So then I have Brian Berman on the phone with me for 30 minutes, the rudest man I have ever spoken to. Yes, he did say ma’am and hold please, but he spoke to me with the most belittling tone. When I asked him to stop speaking to me that way…how did he respond? “I have not been rude to you at all ma’am” Well if I am customer and I feel you are being rude, there is a reason.

He said he didn’t believe my story and that I owe them $250 to end my training session, or they would continue to charge me monthly.

I hope no one else gets sucked in to this…And I cannot believe RetroFitness would allow these scam artists into their gyms!!!!


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