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* stokes fabrics cleaning

I replied to an ad in craigslist for cleaning and i recieved an email from them wanting to know phone number and address. I did not give them my address because I was still unsure so i gave them my number. i read in the mail that they would send someone to pick me up?!?!?!?!?! What if i had a car and drove my self. I still replyed telling them I was interested and then searched stokes fabrics and the name christine stokes and got nothin so thats when i figured it was a scam please let me know if i am correct
here is the letter:
I’m looking for a good and honest person to help with the cleaning of my house ,all you will be doing is mop, vacuum, dust,its a mansion , i need someone who is honest. am a business person and am not always home . I’m presently out of the states,i want the cleaning to be done before i get back to the states on 11th sep 2009.it will be on a full time or part time basis and you will be working 3 hours everyday ,i already made arrangements for who will be paying you through check for a clean and nice job ,my care taker will be showing you the house you will clean so the locations shouldn’t be a problem,he will be coming to your location to see you and take you to the location and you can start work next week, he will be there to help you,i will be calling the care taker so he can be around the house when you will be cleaning my home for me,i will instruct my client to issue and mail out the Check of payment he owes me so you can deduct your amount
for 1 month and other equipments you will be needing for the cleaning,i want new equipment to be used for the cleaning , and have the remaining funds wired to the caretaker via WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER so he can bring down the keys to you or he could be available when you will be cleaning up my home and garden ,I’m only doing this cause I’m presently out of the states and i want things to go smoothly and perfect. I will appreciate someone who will take care of my home when i am not around town If you think you can handle this,please kindly get back to me with the1.Full Name to issue out the payment,
2.Address where payment will be delivered to you
3.Phone number,
4.I will offer you $500 i will be waiting to hear back from you thanks and God bless.
working hours-3hours everyday,you will determine the time you can be coming for the cleaning,but it must be 3 hours everyday.
NOTE: Don’t forget to get back with the required information so the
payment can be mailed out to you first,you will be deducting your own money and
have the remaining sent to the caretaker via western union or money gram


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