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* Rev James Gomes secret shopper

I was on kijiji looking for “work from home” jobs and I received a reply from a Rev James Gomes.I was offering me a job as a secret shopper.he would send me a check for $1200.$100 was for my commission,$20 for transportation and $30 was to be an allowance spent at the store that I was to report on.The rest was to be sent back to him via money transfer.He sent me this email.The name that shows up in my inbox is Rev James Gomes,however,a different name is used at the bottom of this letter.

Dear Survey Agent,,

How are you today? Hope everything is fine with you, This is to update you and to inform you that Our shopping assignment starts today, A paycheck of $1,200 has been sent out to your given information with us and it should deliver to your address today via UPS courier service (www.ups.com) with the tracking number 1ZY861T81599647611. We are very busy company and you will enjoy your work with us as we create impact in training the Public. When you get it I would like you to have it cashed instantly because it is a Certified Business Check; After which you proceed to the Wal-Mart and buy anything you like make the Survey and also Western Union to make the survey there too. Note below is the detailed explanation on how to spend the money.

Once you have received the paycheck, Below is your First Assignment Instructions Please Follow it to the letter to avoid mistakes:


The paycheck is from our finance company and was issued to cover the project bills for your wages and Assignment. It is a Certified Business Check of $1,200 :-

You should first take it to your bank and cash immediately, Deduct your first wages then the remaining balance should be used for the assignment below.
Wal-Mart ====>$ 30
Transportation and gas ====>$ 20
Your Payment for the Survey =====>$ 100

Western Union transaction =====> Send the rest money in cash after
deducting the transfer charges
Below is the information to have the Western Union sent to

Name: Dianne Gomes
Address: 243 Charles Street. Apt. B
City : Boston
State : MA
Zip: 02114

We are shopping in Wal-Mart and Western Union location this time, We always instruct our secret shopper to shop according to the report made by different customers from various stores and Wal-Mart and Western Union has being the talk of the town from almost all of their customers that send money often, they were said to be slow and having bad customer relation – So your first assignment is to proceed to the Wal-Mart and Western Union outlet to find out about their Trading and operation system.

After evaluating Wal-Mart. As a secret shopper, You should pretend as if you are a client and want to send money, Memorize all you see at the outlet. We want you to report back to us on the following information’s today:

As a secret shopper your job is to Observe, Memorize and Evaluate everything going on in the outlet. Also for the short period of minutes that it will take you to Observe, Memorize and Evaluate 1,2,3,4,5 above, you can’t just walk in and out of the outlet without sending Money or else you would be suspected, That is why we send you the funds to make a transfer during the process so that everything will go fine without any interference during your visit to the Western Union Outlet. We authorize you to send the remaining funds which is ( $1,050 ) After deducting your first wages, To the above information provided for our up coming exhibition.

Be aware that Western Union is going to charge you a token to get this money sent, You should deduct the Western Union charges from the ( $1,050 ) you have left with you and not from your own wages. Make sure you don’t go with a note, Only write down the name and address above along with you so that you will not make mistakes when sending the money, Because if they see you writing anything down, they will definitely suspect you are a secret shopper, Just memorize all you see and report back to us.

Your next assignment will commence Immediately after you have reported back to us and your next payment will be included also.

Below are the details of what you should email back to us immediately you are done with the assignment:

For the Wal-Mart
1) How long it took you to get services.
2)Ambiance/Outlook of the Shop/Outlet
3)Smartness of the attendant
4)Customer service professionalism
5)Reaction of personnel under pressure
6)More other information that you think would be helpful
7)Your comments and impressions

For the Western Union
1) How long it took you to get services.
2)Ambiance/Outlook of the Shop/Outlet
3)Smartness of the attendant
4)Customer service professionalism
5)Reaction of personnel under pressure
6)Senders Name and Address
7)10 Digit; Money Transfer Control Number {MTCN}
8)The amount transferred after deducting Western Union Charges.
9) A scanned copy of the western union’s receipt
10) Your comments and impressions


P:S: You should use your full name and address when sending the money.

You should please make sure you Execute all the Assignment today immediately you receive the paycheck in the m and get back at us with a details as requested above.
Happy Shopping.

Warm Regards!
Rev. James Bishop

I Googled his name before I went to pick up the money from UPS….I am glad I did!The email address he used was [email protected]


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