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* MRI Facilities – Thomas A. McDonnell, Georgia Cooper

I received an email from a Thomas A. McDonnell…It Read:

Dear Esteemed Payment Manager,

How are you today, hope everything is going on better? You will be getting payment soon, i need you to stay at home so you can claim the package from the United Parcel Service, you can CHECK THE STATUS FOR DELIVERY TIME:

Log on to: www.ups.com/us
Track and confirm #: 1ZY2T0970192525221

Processing The Checks :
The payment that will be getting to you will be a Cheque Payment and the amount on the check is $2480.00 Once you receive this payment, you should go directly to your bank cash the payment, and deduct your 12% as agreed.You will be requested to proceed to your bank and deposit the checks at once, and then confirm from your bank when the funds will be available for withdrawal (USUALLY NEXT DAY).

NOTE: If you were able to get the checks cashed within 12 hrs you will be deducting 12% from the total amount instead of 10% as your processing fees, alongside with the western union details. Below is the name and address of the account that you will be sending the funds to sender’s name and senders address for transfer to the address below:

Receiver Name : Georgia Cooper
City: Davenport
Zipcode: 33837

Have the total balance SENT TO the info above AFTER you must have deducted your percentage and western union charges. After you have wired transfer funds to the Accountant Supervisor’s name ABOVE, you are to email me the following WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER details for my documentation and for the funds to be collected by the supervisor immediately.
Transaction Details:


You should go to any WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER outlet near your location to transfer the funds. I will expect the complete WESTERN UNION information of the transaction immediately you have wired the funds asap TODAY.

NB: As soon you get the Transaction done, Second Payment will sent to you ASAP and you can have chances of making up to $1500 weekly, This depends on how active you are so get back to me so that you can start earning more cash.

Kindly email me to confirm you got and understood my message now OK?

Very Respectful,
Dr. Thomas A. McDonnell
Board of Directors / Trustee Group
MRI Kansas City Facilities
425 Volker Boulevard
Kansas City, Missouri 64110-2241
[email protected]


I later received four Money Grams in the mail. All for $620 dollars a piece. Totaling the $2,480 I was informed about..Turns out that the money grams where counterfeit and my account was closed..Hopefully this information I am giving will prevent this from happening to any more people.


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