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* Kinney Galani SCAM Business

I purchased a certified 2007 Audi Q7 in February 2008 from Kinney Galani and for the past year I have experienced very loud squeals from my brakes I have had them check by the Dealership and they state that my brakes are fine its just the brakes Audi uses on their cars.

I spoke to Audi USA as well and they have given me the same excuse as the dealership and state that nothing can be done because there is nothing wrong with my brakes. I have a problem that when trying to sell me the vehicle Kinney Galani did not mentioned that Audi brakes tend to squeak and squeal at very loud pitches. This is unacceptable for a luxury vehicle that cost $50,000. It is also unfair to the consumer to just be stuck with this problem. Audi should be forced to advise customers prior to their purchase not after the purchase the has taken place. In addition, my coolant keeps leaking out but they can’t seem to find a leak.

The economic damage that has resulted is that I am stuck paying for a luxury vehicle that is aggravating and annoying to drive beacause of the high pitched noises coming from the brakes, not to mentioned some days it gives me a headache.

If you have to buy a car from Kinney Galani please be very, very careful. This guy is just a big scammer trying to rip you off.


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One response to “Kinney Galani SCAM Business”

  1. kinney galani says:

    i never sold audi q7 from any of my dealership to you or any body in my life.you are writing this negative ad because you were fired for your drug addiction.you should stop writing negative reviews otherwise i will take strong action against you.this is my last warning davian.

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