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* Newman Bruce Scammer

I happened to buy a Honda from Luxury Autos Of Queens. First complaint of the car came in just after a month of purchase and after registering same, I was made understand by Newman Bruce that this is something usuall… even if you would have bought a Civic or an Accord you would find the same problems.

I wrote to the company and luckily my car was picked up and the part was replaced but to my utter surprise the problem still remained as it was… after 3 visits to Newman Bruce the problem was finally rectified.

Now came the turn of my cars service. In 7 months I am still to recieve my Service Booklet. I am forced to visit Luxury Autos Of Queens just because of unavailability of the said documents… despite of numerous reminders status remains the same.

I like the car but not the quality of training given to its staff at different levels for complete customer satisfaction. I am very sorry I had to do business with Newman Bruce.


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