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* A Solid Gold Sound = Shady Company

This company pretends to have offices all over the country, but the addresses are only drop boxes. If you have any issues, you can’t go speak to someone because the addresses are only set up so they can appear to be a legit, large professional company with offices everywhere and so you can send them your money. They make you pay 100% up front.

They don’t have any DJ’s or Videographers working for them. They call a local DJ or Videographer in your area at the very last minute before your wedding and tell them that their DJ or Videographer cancelled last minute and ask if they could please work the wedding at a reduced rate. The people they subcontract are not screened at all, hence the reason so many couples are so upset with the quality and professionalism of the service they get. (If anyone shows up at all) They actually called me the day of my wedding and told me they had no one to video my wedding, but they were looking for someone. My husband and I flipped. Fortunately they were able to find someone an hour before the wedding.

What transpired after that was a nightmare of lies and getting the runaround. Extremely upsetting and stressful! Unfortunalety we didnt research this company before hand. We now see that there are hundreds of news stories and complaints all over the internet. (Better Business Bureau, Ripoffreport.com, complaintsboard.com, etc.)

I urge you too save yourself the money and the hassle and run from this company!

*Check out this news story*


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One response to “A Solid Gold Sound = Shady Company”

  1. Just like all the other complaints….Im a victim now too. My fiance and I booked a solid gold sound here in Rhode Island in january 2009 for our 10-10-10 wedding. We only paid have the balance, but here it 2 months before our wedding and I cant get a hold of these people. Both numbers disconnected, emails returned, and a website no longer there.
    It doesnt take long to get a bad feeling about it, then to start reading scam reports….
    It sucks knowing you got ripped off!

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