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National Security Agency
Central Security Service
Fort George G. Meade
Anne Arundel County,
MD, 20755. USA

DATE: 05/17/2009


This is to officially inform you that it has come to our notice, the National Security Agency
that the sum of $10.5 Million USD is contained here in the United State Of America, in your name.
And we have decided to contact you directly to acquire the proper verifications and proof to show that
you are the rightful person to receive this funds.

As a matter of national security, we are to serve and to protect the United States of America.
The only advice we can give to you as at this time is to try your best to provide the required
document so that your funds will be released to you. We have done our verification on your
Identification Record and checked your criminal records, the only document remaining now is the
FBI Diplomatic Immunity Seal Of Transfer(DIST) to satisfy us that the money you are about to
receive is free from Terrorism and Money Laundering act. You are to forward the documents to us
immediately if you have it with you, but if you don’t have it, you are to contact us for assistance
on getting the required documentation for you.

You are hereby adviced to contact the NSA, by replying to this email for inquires on how you can
get the Diplomatic Immunity Seal of Transfer (DIST). Note that you are to do this immediately if
you really want your fund to be released to you and also if you don’t want any legal action to be
taken. Your funds will remain in our custody and will only be released to you upon the confirmation
of the required document.

Agent Robin Scott
FOR:Mr. John C. (Chris) Inglis
Deputy Director,
National Security Agency


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