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* Handyman Joey Proper – (214) 486-0190

Do not contact Joey Proper at (214) 486-0190. He is a fraud and took my money…he is not a real handyman…

hell, he comes in a little blue car in the backseat with two kids!


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15 responses to “Handyman Joey Proper – (214) 486-0190”

  1. Lynn says:

    Joey ripped us off too. I notified the TX attorney general and filed small claims suit.

  2. Tara says:

    Joey Proper has moved on to Albuquerque, NM to continue his scam. Please pass on the word he will take your money and run. He must be caught!

  3. Jimmy franklin says:

    His name is joey proper he lives in mesquite and with a hoe he took all my money he charged three hundred dollars for a repair of a ice box watch out for him he is bald

  4. concerned victim says:

    He is a convicted felon. Drugs, guns organized crime and on parole. If he is in Albuquerque he is more than likely with his older sister which is a convicted felon as well. Family of trash that thrives on inflicting fraud and pain to others. Beware of Penny and Joey Proper, sister and brother.

  5. Dave says:

    Well this guy did it to me for $300! He promised to fix my ice machine and I was dumb enough to trust this idiot by giving him the money upfront. What a crook! I have contacted his brother Bryan and spoke to their grandmother. She gave me his Girlfriend Missys phone number which is 214-306-1471. I just got off the phone with her and what a nut she is as well. Apparently Joey Proper is in Jail getting what he deserves, Missy told me to call the Texas dep of criminals. i want to see what can be done so i can file a suit against him. I have the invoice he signed. I hope he gets it dirrttty MFER!

  6. joey proper says:

    If you look closey you will see one of these complaints is from my crackhead brother-in-lae and the rest if these complaints are from a ring of attorneys and friends who intentionally cwall me setting me up before i get to the call wuth a result of murder their end accomplishment. They even went as far as putting fake crimes from new mexico with old casr numbers hoping someone one would kill me.

  7. joey proper says:

    Jimmy frankum and missy are being investigated for their fake craigslist site who owns the purple peace symbol fake craiglist site. Whute trash bastards

  8. joey proper says:

    And for stealing company calls and forwarding nunbers

  9. Dave says:

    Joey you are the biggest crook. NO ONE DARE TO DO BUSINESS WITH THIS LOWLIFE CRIMINAL. What is the point of trying to defend yourself you know what you have done and have done to most likely many other victims of your scams. You should be back in jail permanently to keep you from stealing. All of these comments are true. Back in 2011 you stole $300 plus my ice machine compressor with the promise to come back with it fixed. After two months of playing phone tag I finally got a hold of his girlfriend and grandmother. Needless to say his grandma is disappointed at this black sheep and told me he was in jail. They run a scam ring in Dallas Fort Worth and other cities. Joey Proper is only one of his Alias please google and you will see his mugshot.

  10. Chuck says:

    Joey Proper is a dangerous, convicted felon. DO NOT LET HIM INTO YOUR HOME.

    He will park his car out of sight when he arrives at your front door and then mysteriously disappear outside while he is supposed to be working on your appliances.

    He stole over $900 from me in Albuquerque, almost burned my house down with his incompetent “work” and now has several outstanding warrants for his arrest in New Mexico.

    Call police if you see him. He is dangerous.

  11. Denise Terrazas says:

    I used him to fix a washer. He took half the money for parts and never came back.

  12. DAve says:

    So Sad this stupid looser hasn’t been kept in a cage in jail. People work hard for their money you A$$HOLE. Get a real job stop stealing from people. Uneducated Fool

  13. dan says:

    Joey scammed me from a fridge repair. Charged me $200. Fridge was never repaired. Came back two more times and each time spent 10 min and said its fixed. Contact him again and threaten him to take him to court and he said the issue was something else and now wants to charge me another $225.

    Its been three weeks since he “tried” to fix the fridge. I’m taking him to small claims.

  14. JOEY PROPER says:

    Fuck you lying punks from joey proper

  15. Luis Gonzalez says:

    We hired Joey Proper to fix my mom’s refrigerator. He did not know what he was doing. First he said it was the compressor and it was not. He guaranteed us that was the problem. After he said it was fan then the board. He was making things up keep lying to us on what day he was coming back. We made the mistake of paying man up front. DO NOT HIRE THIS COMPANY! He was very unprofessional. Getting frustrated and using profanity while working at mom’s. Screaming and cursing at the fridge because he couldn’t put the lines together. In the end he burned the back of our fridge and stole out money. What this man did is very unamerican!

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