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* Suzanne Henig


My name is Suzanne Henig, an American living in the Scotland, UK. I am writing to inform you of my intention of sending a TRUNK BOX deposited by my late husband for me and my two daughters in a delivery company. I will be needing your assistance as my health is failing me day and night and I am getting ill seriously and i would be coming back home as soon as I get well. I have search for families to help me receive the consignment but i did not get any response.They all thought I have died because of my ill situations for a long time.
I am also troubled by the economic crisis and the distress rocking the big banks in UK and America and therefore will need guidance on how best to invest at a time like this.

If you are interested in discussing this issue with me, Please contact me; for us to work out the details. For further details and procedure, reply at your earliest convenience with a simple profile of self so I can validate your tenacity and give you more information about the TRUNK BOX.which is in the UK with a delivery company moreover they are not aware of the content of the consignment .

I shall get you the LETTER OF ADMINISTRATION AND CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSITE. which i have already taken care of.All I need from you is your trust and confidence.

Your response will be high appreciated.

Best regards,


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