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* Classifieds Advertiser Position $800/Week‏

You receive this job offer because you applied recently for a position on Craigslist. What this position entails: You need to post classified ads, such as sales ads, employment ads or real estate ads in your local newspapers and magazines.

The company is located in Europe, France and prices for newspaper ads are almost double for foreign citizens/companies, this is the main reason we need your services in the US for the specified position, Newspaper Advertiser. You will spend max. 2-4 hours weekly, in your spare time. You do NOT need special skills or degrees. The position is very easy and can be done by anyone without the necessity to leave current job! It’s as easy as placing an ad in a newspaper. This work does not require any money out-of-pocket from you. We will provide the money to post in newspapers. Once you have received the money and the ad content necessary for the postings from us, all you have to do is place the ads from home by calling newspapers’ toll free numbers or by using their online services.

There will be 4-10 ads placed weekly, for each ad you post you are paid with $100, you will deduct your share from money we send you to post the ads. For example, if we need to place an ad that costs $500 we will send you $600, you pay $500 to newspaper or website that places the ad and you remain same day with $100 commission. This is possible because for a foreign company the same ad costs around $900-$1100.

Almost all of our ads are employment ads from various European companies that want to have ads in the US. We may also have some ads from US companies wanting to advertise in European newspapers.

– Reliable internet access OR the ability to check your email daily
– You must be over 20 years old
– 2-3 hours free during the week (mainly in the evening / non-business hours) for communication;

You will enjoy working independently from home in a way that meets your scheduling needs. You can earn a full-time income in as little as 2-3 hours/week. This is an excellent way to supplement your current income. It is possible to work for us for a few hours daily and increase your income by up to $800 weekly. If you have any questions about an assignment, you will generally receive a response from us within the same day, often within few minutes. NO account SETUP fees or fees of any kind are required for this work.

To start the job today please reply with the information below:

First name, Last name:
Full Street Address – NO PO Boxes please:
City, State, Postal Zip Code:
Two E-mail addresses:

We will select papers from the US where the classified ads will be placed and send you the funds to post. You need to place the ads in max. 48 hours after you receive the money from us! This is the only condition we ask. How you are paid for your services: As specified above, there will be 4-10 employment ads placed weekly. For each ad you post, you are paid $100. You will deduct your share from money we send you to post the ads. After a satisfactory 30-day trial period, we will establish a long-term contract with you. You will be registered as our employee and we’ll pay taxes every time you will place an ad. You will then receive a 1099 form at the end of each year from us.

Although the requirements for this position are very simple and all terms are clear, please do not apply for this job if you are not responsible. Your agreement will be considered a US binding contract, so we expect you to follow through on your commitment to our requirements.

Thank you


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4 responses to “Classifieds Advertiser Position $800/Week‏”

  1. sven says:

    so is it a scam or not? are you going to have to pay their taxes for them if they consider the checks they write you your income?

  2. CC says:

    Is it a SCAM or NOT??

  3. sb says:

    Anyone try this yet, of course im skeptical but kinda want to give it a shot?????

  4. sb says:

    Anyone try this yet, of course im skeptical but kinda want to give it a shot?????

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