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* Nigerian Renters Scam

I found an add for a town house that was going to be for rent for $1300 a month for 3 BD,2.5 BA. It sounded too good to be true, but I emailed and inquiry anyways. The email that I received back said that her and her husband were transferred to West Africa for work. She could not meet with us. She accepted our application even without signatures or references right away. Then she started asking for money through Western Union. At this point we could tell this was a scam. We had also been by the house and have spoken to the CURRENT TENANT, who will be putting the place up for rent but for $1800. None the less, right now the scammer still thinks we’re interested, but he’s been calling my cell phone excessively in the last 2 days badgering me for money. The number is from NIGERIA. They are CALLING ME FROM AFRICA. Not one time, not twice, but today alone, SEVEN times one after the other, then he tried to block th number and call… so EIGHT times. Anyways, we found the add on Craigslist and I have been reading up that these nigerian scammers are out there everywhere. BUYER BEWARE, RENTER BEWARE THEY ARE EVERYWHERE!!!


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2 responses to “Nigerian Renters Scam”

  1. ScamRadar says:


    Thanks for posting this!

    Do you happen to have the names or email addresses associated with these scammers? If so, please reply and post them here. It will help out when someone searches on Google or the other engines, and it will pick up the info.


  2. Kevin Breen says:

    i have been investigating 2 house renters from Nigeria they are both to good to be true dont know what to do

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