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* auction.ult5.com, coach.ult5.com – bidz.com

They spam craigslist offering jewelry for “pennies on the dollar” – the address forwards you to bidz.com. Complaints have been made about their merchandise.

they were formerly using auction.gch5.com.


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3 responses to “auction.ult5.com, coach.ult5.com – bidz.com”

  1. gondalph says:

    They are now using the url jewelrybidsite.com.

  2. steve fast says:

    Letter to jorge gonzalez, manager of bidz………………..
    Thank you for the reply, but there is no way that i am going to pay $264 for an item previously auctioned at $132,
    if you were in my position, im certain you too would never pay double the amount of a previous bid,
    if this ring is worth $249 like i was informed by Brigitte, then there would have been a reserve bid of $249
    its ok i just wont be purchasing from bidz no longer, the sales rep told me the ring was never on bidz before
    and you say that it was bid before but never bouught, still is a lie, for it was on ypour site and auctioned before
    my father runs a company and if he makes a mistake he honours the price that is an honest company,
    either way you still get your $132, from me or previosu bidder, greed is what brings America down
    you piss off 1 customer and by word of mouth he tells all his her friends and you have pissed off
    perhaps 100 customers, and i assure you that i will tell all my friends how bidz refuse to do good business
    and lied about the exclusive ring and then refuse to sell for past bid on a ring which bidz said was
    never on bidz before. I had faith in bidz but i see now i am disappointed
    I purchased 3 pirelli watches as gifts, and 1 of the watches had a “made in china” sticker, telling me
    that they were knock offs, cheap duplicates, i bought a ladies pirelli from ebay, and it was authentic
    the stamps were different, alos i have had items stolen from my shopping cart and when i called in
    i was told it was a computer mistake, duplicates on bidz, was a 80 carat flower ring, in shopping cart
    money order already recieved for the item and the itme was stolen, said not there was a duplictae,
    explain how the item wwas gone when it was in the basket for 2 weeks and even paid for,
    you can call Brynda J 210-649-xxxx, she still is talking about this ring to this very day
    also was a black silver cz ring, same sitution was in the shopping cart and mysteriouly disappeared
    also Brynda J says that there was a cz pendant also in the shopping cart , and gone missing,
    Jorge how do you explain 3 items , missing or stolen form a shopping cart, sales rep maybe put it in
    his mothers shopping cart or best friend, on top of that few gold plated rings that tarnished after 3 weeks
    Lets see now 3 fake pirelli watches “made in china”, 2 rings and pendant stolen from shapping cart
    and gold plated rings that tarnish in 3 weeks, Jorge you can call Brynda J the number is
    210-649-xxxx to verify all this, my pirelli watch had the made in china sticker still on, her 2 watches
    the made in china stickers were removed.
    In good faith Mr. Gonzalez you should make amends to Ms. J and allow this ring to be
    sold at the last price of $132, considering the disappointment and frustation this has caused her
    and myself with the “made in china” pirelli watch. Your consideration in this matter would be
    most appreciated………………..
    Bidz has never replied back to this letter, to jorge gonzalez, manager

  3. Bidz says:

    We would like to assure you that Bidz.com is not a penny auction site, and none of our bids start below $1. Bidz.com has been a certified online auction site for over ten years and we strive to provide our customers with the best in name brand items, all of which are 100% authentic and almost all are brand new. The starting price of a bid… will vary according to the item, and for a better idea of how our bidding system work here is a link that should answer any additional questions you may have http://www.bidz.com/content/bid_increment and http://www.bidz.com/content/placing

    You are welcome to contact us at [email protected] any time if you have any further questions about Bidz.com. Our customer service email is [email protected], our phone line is 1-888-247-BIDZ and our international line is 1-310-280-7373.

    Best regards,


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