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I contacted Tradeline Masters in mid-December about their tradeline service, and spoke to a man by the name of Mr. Patterson. After several conversations with Mr. Patterson my sister and I decided that we would utilize their tradeline service on December 21st. Mr. Patterson stated that we could pay 50% of the tradeline order upfront and the balance once the tradelines posted. He advised us to send the money to him via Moneygram, and we complied (the Moneygram fee was $37). We called him to verify that he received the money and to confirm our order status and the date that the tradelines would post. At that time, we realized that he had entered our tradeline order incorrectly. At this point, he had to redo the tradeline order that required us to pay more money. So, again we sent Mr. Patterson money via Moneygram and incurred another Moneygram transaction fee. He contacted my sister and told her that he received the money and that the tradelines would post the first week of January. He told her to call him at any time if she had any questions (BIG JOKE).

After Xmas, my sister called Tradeline Masters to get an update on the tradeline order. At this time she was told that Mr. Patterson was out of the office sick. We called again on the first week of January for the status of the tradelines and we were told that Mr. Patterson was still out sick. At this time, no one in the office had ANY information on the tradeline order that we placed and we were told that we had to speak to Mr. Patterson. We attempted to contact Mr. Patterson at the office and on his cell phone on several occassions with NO RETURN CALLS from him. To this day, we have STILL NOT HEARD from Mr. Patterson!

We have been speaking to a man by the name of Mr. Arthur, who we were told by Mr. Patterson that he was his supervisor. Mr. Arthur denied being his supervisor and told us that they all work together as a team. After speaking to Mr. Arthur on several occassions, we are still getting the RUN AROUND. Mr. Arthur’s attitude is non-chalant and aloof about the situation. He tries to make light of the situation by making bad jokes and frivolous comments. To our surprise, Mr. Arthur stated to us that he can not provide tradelines anymore. He said that his tradeline business is DEAD! Please take note of that comment…Tradeline Masters can no longer supply tradelines. Isn’t the name of the company TRADELINE Masters?

So after all the B.S. and a month and a half of the complete run around and brush off by this company, my sister requested a FULL refund. We have yet to receive any money back from this company.

BEWARE OF THIS COMPANY…but most importantly, beware of the SCAM ARTISTS who represent this company because they are INTENTIONALLY and BLATANTLY taking advantage of good and descent hard working people.

By the way, where are you Mr. Patterson?

A Dissatisfied Customer


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  1. ScamRadar says:

    Here’s another report for Tradeline Masters. It was submitted by Kevin K.


  2. maurice says:

    please for the love of God use credit card or escrow as payment methods. That is the only way to pay for anything over the internet. I actually used this company and they did post this is when eddie was the main man somewhere in june/july 2008 they have not been able to post tradelines since then so anyone that used this company since then has experienced a major set-back i’m sure of it. there are few tradeline companies that post but, be very careful and don’t trust anyone not even your own family. ONLY PAY BY ESCROW OR CREDIT CARD WHITH CREDIT CARD BEING THE BEST METHOD


  3. lee says:

    This is Edwin Mansour that ripped you off .He has stole thousands from people and works under several names .His latest one 3/22/2010 http://www.immediatecreditboost.com and http://www.cpnnow.com This guy is posting all over craigslist right now he need to go to prison.

  4. Hello,

    Edwin Perello, real last name, Mansour, sent email to my company trying to get me to buy CPN numbers, tradelines, and more. After I figured out who he was, and indicated that CPN numbers are illegal, and that I was going to turn him in, he threatened me with emails, and then took personal information and posted it on http://www.ripoffreport.com after I exposed him. Two of my clients put up websites to help fight against him and his scams, and to set the record straight. These sites are: http://www.reportaripoff.net and http://www.reportacomplaint.net both of which I developed scripts for. So Edwin Mansour did post on Ripoff Report, and when I contacted Ed Magedson, he ignored the request for removal, and so thus also the reason I am selling the scripts I designed to help innocent people fight back. If anyone wants to see the emails I received from Edwin Perello, truly known as Edwin Mansour, I will be glad to send you copies. This includes the threats, Etc. Contact me through the GSCSC, Inc. website.

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